I am so pleased, my dad was selling a gift card for a flight ( he is a small plane pilot ) and the lady started talking about how she will be off to Africa in 10 days time to visit her orphanage that she and a friend have been sponsoring.
long story short, he tells me, I call her and she is very, very happy to receive pad kits for her girls, so much so she is stunned.
she has 12 girls and 12 boys but not many of the girls have their menses yet and already it has been a major financial hurdle to keep them in pads
said and done,
each kit has;
2 bases/shields made with fleece, pul and synthetic ribbon, metal snaps ( no absorption, easy wash, quick dry ) pattern from clothpads . org
8 inserts of muslin, flannel, terry, velour, cotton fleece thin and thick in each pack, all trifold or more for ease of washing
a small wet bag
a wash cloth
I will be adding a pair or underwear
a drawstring bag
like this
the bases are one layer of fleece and one of pul, my serger/overlocker and I weren't on specking terms for a bit so most of the bases are turned and topstitched. Once I rethreaded it (horrors) and cleaned it we were happily serging again for all the inserts
the 8 kits, I made all the bags different so the girls could tell them apart, the bags have 2 drawstrings and close securely
bag sizing, the pads fit across the bottom of the bag, I then rolled them up and tied them with the drawstrings for transport
awww they are cute :D DD calls them spring rolls lol
http://www.daysforgirls.org/ and
http://empowerwomeninafrica.com/accept pads too :D