More converts and another kid story

May 11, 2008 20:27

Last Thursday I was talking with the couple I babysit for about a carbon reduction group that they are part of at our church. I mentioned I used cloth pads, and they were both like "Really! we have been thinking about those." I told them how I mostly make my own and said I would bring some next week. I couldn't wait until next week so I brought one night pad, 3 regular pads, a pair of nursing pads, and 3 pantyliners to church to give them today. They have a 4 month old baby and a 10 year old daughter who could hardly wait for me to show her moms the gifts. She saw the cloth pads and was totally excited. She hasn't started her period yet, but wants the pantyliners to keep in her backpack in case she starts at school. I wish I had been that excited about pads when I was her age...

I am in major procrastination mode from papers and projects, so sorry for the multiple post this past week or so.

hand sewing, pad converts

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