music: Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson
I've decided to jump onto the "wishlist bandwagon" and make one of my own. I warn you, it's extensive and image heavy as I'm poor. Thank you United States economy. You never cease to amaze. Realize the sarcasm.
Elegant Gothic Lolita
In any colorway:
bluexsilver, blackxblue, blackxwhite
In any colorway:
blackxblue, blackxwhite
In any colorway:
whitexblack, blackxblue, blackxwhite
In any colorway:
blackxblue, blackxgray
In any colorway:
whitexblack, blackxwhite, blackxblue
In any colorway:
whitexgrey, blackxblue, blackxwhite, blackxgrey
In any colorway:
whitexblue, blackxwhite