And the nominees are

Jan 10, 2013 20:34

Let's see how I did:

Brave (duh!)
Wreck-it Ralph (yay!)
Frankenweenie (on my alternate list, but not a surprise)
ParaNormal (yup)
Pirates!  Band of Misfits (...the hell?)

Two computer animated, three stop motion.  None were nominated for Best Picture, so no clear winner to be divined from that.  Three from Disney productions, one overseas, and an indie studio in the Pacific Northwest;  Dreamworks was shut out this year, much like Disney was last year.  Still, I'm rather flummoxed that Pirates! got a nomination, as it was NOT a particularly good movie.  Then again, my tastes run far away from slapstick and sit-com awkwardness these days.  I like me my character driven action adventure stories.

So, again, Brave is the PIXAR  easy choice.  Frankenweenie might get it because the Academy at large wants to give Tim Burton an Oscar.  I still want to see Wreck-it Ralph win it.
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