Anyone wonder about my music tastes? 8D

Oct 19, 2008 02:15

Well to satify any curiosities you may have, or just to offer for your listening pleasure, heres a link to my music playlist on where you can look at my playlist and listen to the full music if you like :3

Do we have a lot in common in music?
Tell me about it :DD

I have like EVERYTHING on there xD
Rock, Metal, J-rock, J-pop, K-pop, Tecnho, Classical, and even some oldies from who knows when!

heres the link to my playlist (its also linked on the sidebar of my Journal) ~

I like many other songs as well, too much to put them all, but those are my main favorities.
Plus I have to go by what links are available (I want more Kokusyoku Sumire! D: I only have one of their songs grr)


p.s. I might link my youtube playlists soon as well :)
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