Sep 22, 2005 21:23
kinda weird... so most peeps don't read my lj( which i could care less bc it is a journal right?? an who wants their journals read?? neway..) so we're friends now... dunno how that happened... but he made me feel bad for bein mad at him, so i apologized. Prolly not the smartest thing since he is the one who messed up but w/e... so we're friends now an it's kinda weird.. i have NO CLUE how i'm suppossed to act around him. neway... this was kinda random... O YEA!!! I'm goin 2 AU this weekend 2 watch tha game an spend tha night with one of the sweetest peeps ever!!! An it's hc so it should b AWESOME! I'm so excited! LUV U GUYS!!!