Dec 29, 2004 10:29
My endometriosis is now causing too many problems to ignore it anymore. The pain has been manageable, but the bleeding has not. Not only that, but my cervix has a new spot on it. Sooooo, I'm off to the specialist again. He has told me before that what I really need to do to put my endometriosis in remission is to have another child. Well, I had a tubal in 99, so the old-fashioned way isn't gonna bring on any other kids. I'm stuck now with the option of having one more child (expensive as it may be) to buy me more time with my womanly organs. I'm beginning to wonder if they are truly worth all the trouble. Should Dave and myself pay to have the procedure done now to have another kid? We were planning on it a few years down the road, but should we go ahead? Now it seems that a few years down the road will not be possible. I'm still fertile as heck, just the pipework isn't connected. I'll talk it over with Dave this evening and see what he says.
At least after i'm done having my kids I can have a hyserectomy and never have to plan camping excursions around blood...hallelujulah!