Oct 29, 2004 23:14
ok if you dont want to hear me vent than dont read this.
If i offent anyone than Im sorry it is just my frustrations at this time.
Ok so i made out with someone on the bus ok ya not the smartest thing to do i relize that now but you know what o well, what is done is done. It want happen again. Im just sorta mad with the susation(sp?). I think some things where said that i dont think should of been. Stuff about my family to me that is errealavent(sp?) to this and then something about my responicabilty. I can under stand that one, but its not like i did it unwillingly and i was like omg i didnt wanna do this or i dont want to do this i mean i wanted to and i know it wasnt like the smartest place but i mean i simi wish i hadnt of done it now but i try to live my life regret free or wahtever but i dont know im kinda upset with things other than this and this is the newest of my problems and i know you prob. dont wanna hear any of my complainging and winning about my pointless problems but i just am fed up with waht i have become and what i thought id be at this time. BARG.
sorry this post is so blah and im just mad ill prob be better later... one can hope