Cumber Cave update

Jun 07, 2012 07:22

Finally making some progress on my Cumbercave (Place to go to think dirty thoughts about Benedict Cumberbatch). I've got the window seat finished except for a tiny piece of trim. Curtains are hung and most of the pillows are made. The window seat goes across the entire back wall, 8ft, so it's a perfect place to sleep and dream dirty dreams guessed it, Benedict Cumberbatch *G*

I got my bison skull in, I still need to paint him black. Yes I know I put his horns on facing the wrong way, but they pull right of, so it's an easy fix. You might notice that it's sitting on a mantel piece! Yes, my fake fireplace is almost finished! I just need to get a painted fire to put behind it and figure out how to attach it securely to the wall.

I got the cabinets in, and painted and distressed. You can't tell but above the cabinets, I will have a fake concrete facade to match the walls beside my 221b door. I also plan to add an evidence wall, you know with crime photos and red string. My hubby sort of freaked when he found Autopsy reports printed out, but they'll be perfect for my wall. I just can't put anything to graphic, I have a 12yr.

Speaking of the 12yr, I caught her wearing my deerstalker and her coat. The oldest loved HP and now the youngest likes Sherlock, how fitting *G*

I finally got a few of my T-shirt & Iphone case designs up on Red Bubble. I still need to add the Cabin Pressure ones.

Hope everyone is well, I'll be seeing a bunch of you in 35 days! Con Season baby!!!!

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