Sonia and I were sitting around talking about future cons, and "Con Cruise" just popped into my head. Think about how awesome that would be. Everything we would need would be right there on the boat. Rooms, plenty of space, ballrooms, buffets, alcohol, different ports of call, and if you got sick of the Gryfindors, you could just pitch them over board!
Can't you just see Death Eaters sitting by the pool with flippers and goggles on, Snape at the roulette table, Malfoy's holding court on a grand staircase, Luna putting Plimpy's in the swimming pool, the Weasley twins steering the boat, the possibilities would be endless. If that damn mouse can have his own cruise line then why can't we!!!!
Who's in charge of organizing these cons anyway? We need to start annoying the shit out of them, saying we want a HP Con Cruise.
Day three of con will be coming soon, just didn't want to over-saturate you all.