
Aug 20, 2004 04:55

its about time for another update! i dont think im going to write in here often, so ill have alot to write about when i update...but who knows? anywho. me and amanda pyron are hangin back out again! i went to her house sometime last week and stayed over there. we was gonna go with michael gill, her boyfriend at the time, and just chill with him...but he never showed up, so we decided to call nathaniel yoder to come pick us up. he got there around 7-7:30 or something like that. we just went ridin' down riverside n talkin to people...he let amanda drive his truck, now that was somin! we went everywhere when she was drivin. but it was still fun! we got home around 12ish and stayed up all nite doin stupid stuff...the next day i had to wake up n goto work, so that sucked...but i made it! that nite after i got off work i talked to justin payne for a lil while. me n him was talkin about doin somethin for when i got off work the next day, n he told me he'd take me out to eat anywhere n danville i wanted haha. i was like well damn! so he came n picked me up the next day when i got off, n we just rode around and was talkin...but before he picked me up my friend daniel fochler asked me to come to a party that his friend was havin...n i told justin about it n he said he didnt wanna go, but later on that nite while we was talkin, he was talkin about his old best friend that he aint seen in about 3 years or so, and i asked em who it was n he told me jared austin. my mouth just flung wide open...i said j.p! thats the persons party!! n he was like awww hell! we goin now! he asked me where it was n i told him how it was at mike owens house. i swear when i said that we hit about 90 miles per house gettin there! we was about 20 mins away from it, but got there in 5 lol. that was funny! we stayed there for a long time...bink n jared was wrestlin' in the yard hahahah...jared was so drunk he didnt know what was goin on probably lol. while they was goin that gavin sat im my lap and kept ticklin me...then everybody was drinkin outta the beer bong, seeing who could do it the fastest...some people did it in 4, 3, and 2...i can do it in 2...im workin on just 1 big one, but i aint go there yet...close tho :P lol. anywho, jared ended up stripin' n walkin round outside naked n doin stupid stuff, i started laughin so hard i was cryin...my make-up was probably all the way down to my ankles from where it was runnin so bad lmao. me n j.p left n he took me home. the next day i just stayed home n didnt really do anything, but the day after that i had to work...amanda called me around 8:30 and asked me if i wanted to goto her house after i got off work n stay the nite with her, so i called my mom n she said i could, then i called amanda back n told her she said yeah...i ended up gettin there at around 10-10:30. we stayed up til around 2, cuz we was gonna get up at 9 and go with morgan jones ridin around n just doin stuff. we ended up goin over to brandon morse's house...we ended up takin him n his friend carter over to grove park so they could all play basketball. me n amanda decided to walk up to carrie crews' house n hang out with her for a lil while while since she lives right near it and caz they was playin...but they picked us up from her house when they was done. then we took brandon n carter back to b's house...n we left to goto GW to get amanda's schedule for school. then we had to go with her mom to the dmv to re-new her liscense, which took forever! after that we went to the mall n hung out for a lil while. i called my papaw n talked to him cuz it was his birthday, then we got off the phone, n me n manda went back inside. we saw anthony wyatt there...amanda said "hey anthony wanna go smoke a cigarette?" n he said yeah so we go outside, she gave him a cigarette then stuck him right in the face! she busted his nose open n he was bleedin everywhere! his friend jason was laughin at him, but anthony didnt do shit! he walked away n went to the bathroom and wiped the blood off his face...we saw drew n justin martin inside, so we went over to talk to them, then they asked me if i knew who ghandi was...iunno what that was for tho? but we told them about what happened outside n they died laughin...by that time anthony was walkin past us, so it just got more funnier cuz he took off walkin the other way! we called my mom n told her just to go ahead n come pick us up...before we left i got my ears pierced again...now i have 5 holes in each ear! 4 bottom, 1 top on each side! its purdy nifty...after we left we took amanda home, i got my stuff..then went to my house. the next day was my moms birthday, but she had to work...but when she got off i told her id take her out to eat where ever she wanted to go and id buy her $100 dollars worth of stuff that she wanted...nothin for the house or anything, just stuff for her! so we ended up goin to 'western sizzlin' to eat. when we was there, david's (R.I.P...I miss you!) family was infront of us in the line, before i realized it was them, i saw jonathan, david's lil brother...and he's a spittin image of em too. i mean he looks identical to what david looked like when he was a kid...my mouth just flung wide open..i was like omg! but then i realized that it was the family there eatin. but in about 2 months n some days, it'll be one year since david's wreck. but im not gonna talk about that right now. but we left the resturaunt n came on home. i had to work the next nite so i went on to bed...and of course, got up the next mornin' n went to work. it was really borin. my register came up 17 short cuz 1st shift took it. that pissed my boss off real bad. but so far thats all thats really happened around here. wish i could say it was intrestin but its not! soo that all! byebye!

.:*Lotssa Love*:.
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