May 18, 2006 21:55
Well well well.... What has happend to LJ?? I think everyone evaporated or something.... *sigh* I dont know what to say... I guess myspace is the ruler of the web nowa days... Well I suppose they're all fads, something new and better will come along in another year or two.. just wait and see.. and when it does you'll be like... I should have known, that one weird/crazy girl predicted it would happen... and I will be laughing...*mwahahaha*...(me laughing evily at all of yall).... Scury...Scury like little mice to keep up with the new trends and whats hot so you can blend in with all of the other selfish moronic people of the world! Don't be yourself, worry about what everyone thinks about you, and oh yes how could I forget where whats hot...even if you hate it and thinks its the most hiddeous thing in the world... because people will think your "cool" and thats all that really matters in life... eh? *mwahaha....*
(P.S. I hope yall have caught on to my sarcasm by now....)