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Apr 26, 2006 13:58
Japan is certainly one of rich country. But it never means happyful country. Our happiness have lots of variety. But at the same time, our misery also must have lots of variety more than poor country. I don’t think that poor country people willingly to cut themselves, because it is really painful and meaningless.
Japan is advanced country. Our happiness maybe advanced, but at the same time our misery also advanced. Poor country people struggle meaningfully to get food in every day life. but Japanese people struggle meaninglessly to cut ourself. Even if we are advanced, we are still in misery. We are in meaning less misery, advanced misery.
Do you still want to come to Japan ?
я плакалъ. сайт иппонццкого падонка по кличке маsa, пожалуй, лучший о современной Иппонии.
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