Title: Such Is My Life
Pairing: The Closer - Raydor/Flynn
Rating: M for language, sexual situations
Part 9
The unit catches a couple of gangland murders so Raydor’s attention is on Chief Johnson for the next few days. Her holiday plans are touch and go until the day before, but Johnson manages to solve her case in time for the detectives to have the holiday off.
“To Flynn: Dinner’s still on. Come around 6. You know my address?”
“To WW: Yes I do. I’ll bring the beer =)”
Danny fakes right sliding the ball past Matt with a well aimed kick. It lands in the upper right corner of the soccer net, well out of his friend’s reach. “Sweet!” Danny pumps his fist.
“Nice one Raydor,” Matt says, kicking the ball back to him. “So who’s coming over tonight?”
“Some guy my mom works with,” Danny mutters, his focus more on getting the ball to rest on the top of his foot. “Flynn maybe.”
“Same guy who went to the game?”
“Yeah, Major Crimes dick.”
Matt frowns, his attention drawn to Sharon Raydor and the tray she’s carrying. He has to stand on tiptoes to see up the hill to the pool and cookout area. “Is she humming?”
“You hear it too?” Daniel asks and Matt nods. “She does that when she’s nervous.”
“How long has she known this Flynn guy?”
Danny shrugs. “He just popped up, but you know my mom doesn’t tell me stuff.”
“You got a bad feeling?”
“Something’s up,” Danny says, glancing across the pool to where his mother is by the grill. “She’s not acting right.”
“Well, just make sure you invite me to the wedding,” Matt quips, kicking the ball from under Danny’s foot. He tears off down the well manicured lawn, racing toward the goal while Danny shouts and tries to catch up.
“Just a minute,” Sharon calls out of habit when she hears the doorbell ring. Dressed in white slacks, a black and white leopard print top and sandals, she nibbles on a cucumber slice as she heads to the door. Andy Flynn peers at her over his shades and holds up a bag.
“Not really beer,” he grins.
“I didn’t think it would be.” Sharon steps back, gesturing for him to come in. “I think I have most of what you’ll need on the patio. That is if you don’t mind taking charge of the grill.”
Flynn smirks, “Not at all.” He whistles as he looks up at the cathedral ceiling, seeing the large window on the upstairs landing. “Nice digs, Raydor.”
Sharon smiles, noticing Andy’s wandering eye. “Would you like a tour?”
“Do you offer them at certain times?”
She rolls her eyes before taking a few steps. “The living room,” she gestures to her left. Andy looks in the doorway to see an extensive room with several leather couches and a large television. A fireplace with bookshelves on either sides of it is on the farthest wall with a comfortable looking reading chair nearby.
“Those rugs imported?”
“Heirlooms,” Raydor replies. “Master bedroom is that way,” she points to her left but doesn’t move.
“What? No letting me get a peek at the Raydor sanctuary?”
“Not yet,” she quips, “Upstairs are the kids’ rooms and a guest bedroom, two on each side of the landing. And through here,” Sharon walks through a large arch way, “is the kitchen and patio.” Flynn follows her out to the backyard, his jaw dropping at the sight.
“Okay, so large house and expansive outdoors.” He takes it all in, from the resort style pool complete with hidden grotto under the rock formation slide to the large grassy area that leads the eye to a view of the mountains. When he turns back to the house, he lets out another slow whistle just as Sharon walks past him.
“Hello baby, come to Papa,” he catcalls. Raydor whips around, the remark on her lips dying at the sight of Flynn drooling over her grill. She sighs heavily.
“The attraction between men and outdoor appliances is something I have yet to understand.”
Flynn ignores her, shoving the bag he’s been carrying her way as he heads toward the oversize stainless steel monstrosity. “This is amazing.”
“Well, then I guess you know how to work all the bells and whistles?”
“And you don’t?” Flynn studies the grill, caressing it as if it were a priceless treasure.
“Flynn, most nights I barely have time to run a microwave. Do you really think I use that thing?”
He chuckles, reaching down to cut on the gas tank. “So what do you want me to cook on this fine invention?” Sharon disappears into the kitchen for a few moments, returning with a silver covered tray. “People really use those things?”
“Only on special occasions. I didn’t know what you’d like, so I just had the butcher put together a few things.”
Flynn does another double take as she removes the lid. “T-bones, prime cuts, kabobs, are you expecting an army?”
Sharon shrugs, her gaze going to Danny and Matt as they race around the outer yard, “Just two always hungry teenage boys.”
“Right then, lets get this baby fired up.”
Sharon sips a glass of white wine while Flynn prepares the grill. She even makes him a cranberry and soda as he slaves away, a grin bigger than any she’s ever seen on his face. They manage to chat about everything but work, some of the conversation about Danny, but most about their former spouses and why things didn’t work.
“They still laughing?” Danny asks, his back firmly to his mother and her guest.
“Now and then,” Matt tells him as he glances up at the pair. “He’s not as bad as I thought he’d be, just one head is a surprise.”
“Ha ha,” Danny scoffs. “They making out yet?”
“I think he has a thing for the grill.”
“So did the last guy.”
“Daniel, Matt, come wash up,” Sharon calls to them.
“And so we are summoned,” Danny huffs, flipping the soccer ball up with his foot and catching it with his hands.
“Into the breach!” Matt yells, taking off in a run and gesturing for the ball. Danny tosses it to his friend, letting him reach the patio first while he drags behind. Sharon heads into the house, Matt on her heels as he goes to the kitchen sink to wash up.
“Hey Daniel, good to see you again,” Flynn says, catching sight of his son as he flips the steaks. “What’s your preference?”
“Rare works,” Danny mutters. “You Major Crimes jerks giving my mom a hard time?”
Flynn keeps his back to the kid, shuffling the meat around and plating a couple of the steaks. “I tightened the leash on most of them. You giving her the silent treatment still?” He turns round to see Daniel’s frown. “She isn’t seeing anyone is she?”
“Huh?” Danny gives him a quizzical look, “you serious?”
“Just wondering.”
“Hey Danny, can you grab some napkins when you finish washing up,” Sharon asks as she comes back out. “The ones from-”
“Yeah, I’ll get them,” her son says, staring at Flynn until he goes inside.
“Everything ok?”
Flynn chuckles, “yeah, going good. Medium rare, right?”
“Uh, yes,” Sharon replies, turning from Flynn to watch Danny moving around in the kitchen. “That smells really good.”
“Of course it does,” Flynn smirks, “I cooked it.”
While Flynn joins Daniel and Matt in drinking a soda, Sharon switches to red wine Flynn brought over when they sit down to eat. She closely watches Danny’s reaction to everything Flynn says and has to reprimand herself for it when she thinks he’s catching on to her scrutiny. But Danny is doing some investigating of his own, enlisting Matt to keep an eye out for any and all bodily contact between Flynn and his mother. At the end of the meal, the two boys start to head off, but Sharon interrupts their plans.
“Flynn cooked, so you two get to thank him by clearing the table, please,” she adds the last with a full wattage smile.
“Fine,” Danny reluctantly agrees.
“It was really good, Mr. Flynn,” Matt adds, diving in to the chore.
“We’re going to walk around the grounds. Matt, it was so nice having you over. Perhaps you can stay next weekend if you’d like?”
The boys exchange glances, both schooled in this verbiage from adults. “Oh, yes, Ms. Raydor, I’ll check with my parents. Thanks for dinner. I’ll head out after we clean up if that’s ok?”
“That’ll be fine,” she smiles and starts toward the outer yard.
“Grounds?” Flynn asks, catching up with her.
“Just a couple of acres really, but grounds is a term my grandmother used so I picked it up.”
“Did I mention that my entire apartment building would fit in your living room?” He says, brushing his shoulder against hers as they walk side by side down the back path. Sharon grins and puts her shades on. “I like you without your glasses. But I have to say, I’m a bit disappointed that you weren’t in a bathing suit.”
At that she laughs, “I thought I’d save that for another day since my casual look seems to have thrown you. Didn’t want to put you in a full state of shock.”
“Hmm, I think I could have dealt with it.” He puts his hand on the small of her back when the path narrows and he momentarily falls behind. “So you still want to tell him?”
“I think we should.”
“Have you told Rick?”
“He was informed,” Sharon glances at her watch, “about twenty minutes ago.”
Flynn smirks. “Lawyer?”
“One of the perks.”
“Nice perk.”
Matt hangs out until they catch sight of Danny’s mom coming back up the path, Flynn still close behind. “I kinda like bow-ties, so if they go full out, suggest those,” he cracks, dodging the pillow Daniel tosses at his head on his way out of the living room. “Call me with the date, Raydor,” he says waving goodbye.
“So where should we do this?”
Sharon stops by the pool, debating if they even should do this. “Flynn, maybe we should…”
“Do you really want Rick to tell him?” Flynn suggests even if it is a long shot. Sharon gives it a second of thought and decides it isn’t worth the risk.
“Wait here.”
Flynn suddenly finds that he doesn’t know what to do with his hands, nor does he know if he wants to sit or stand. Instead he leans against the brick column by the grill, folding his arms along his chest and crossing his feet. And he waits.
Daniel does look like he is attending his own execution as he slumps in a lounge chair, refusing to look at anything other than his feet. Sharon pushes his shoes off the end of the chair so she can sit down beside him.
“So Daniel, I have something to tell you.”
“Excuse me?” Sharon glances from her son to Flynn, who shrugs. Looking back at her son, the similarity between him and Andy is striking.
“The date, the two of you?” He barely looks up, gesturing between them. Flynn squints, looking from Danny to Raydor, his eyes going wide when what the kid is getting at hits him. He starts to laugh.
“What?” Sharon stares at Andy as Daniel finally looks at his mom.
“Relax kid, we’re not getting married.”
“Wait, you aren’t dating her?” Confused, Danny looks at Flynn, the earlier question about his mom dating anyone coming back. “Is that why you asked?”
“Just making sure.”
“Asked what?” Sharon holds up her hand in a wait a minute gesture that goes unnoticed.
“Look, how much do you like your dad, honestly?” Flynn pushes off the brick column and takes a seat across from Daniel and Sharon. He waves his hand when Danny looks at his mom. “It’s ok to say the truth, she understands.”
“He’s a jerk,” the kid shrugs. Flynn cuts his eyes to Raydor, who is glaring at him. ‘What are you doing,’ she mouths. He shrugs.
“So how would you feel if he wasn’t your dad?”
Daniel raises an eyebrow, but keeps his gaze on his fingers as he picks at his nail. “Guess it wouldn’t matter. Don’t really see him anyway.”
“Daniel, look at me,” Sharon quickly says with another glare at Flynn. “Danny,” she begins again in a softer tone, taking his hand and waiting until he gives her his full attention. “I want you to meet Andy Flynn,” she forces out, “your father.”
Andy Flynn is again in that moment when he’s wondering when he forgot to breathe. Feeling like he’s in the midst of a ping pong match, he finds his gaze darting between mother and son, flicking from one pair of green eyes to the other, waiting, watching, begging for one of them to make a move, to take a breath.
“Did you-”
“Wait, what-”
Tie game, Flynn’s little internal voice shouts as Danny and Sharon speak at the same time. Then he swallows hard as their gazes turn to him.
“He’s my dad? How?”
“Long story.”
“I want to hear it.”
Flynn shrinks under their scrutiny and he doesn’t like it, so he clears his throat and fidgets. Sharon starts talking, mainly out of fear that if she doesn’t, he will. “Your, uh Rick and I were separated. Flynn and I…” He lets her hang for a moment mainly because old habits die hard, but the sight of her searching expression causes a pang that freaks him out a little.
“We just found out, so don’t think your mom’s been keeping secrets from you.”
“So I really was an accident?”
“That doesn’t mean anything, Daniel,” Sharon tries to pull him to her but her son resists so she tightens her hold on his hand instead.
“Does Dad,” he stops, looks at Flynn, then back to his mom, “does he know?”
“I made sure he was told.”
“So he hasn’t said anything?”
Sharon looks at her watch, “he hasn’t called but I didn’t want-”
“You know how he is,” she nods. Danny stares up at the sky, his lower lip quivering. “I wanted you to know first. Give him some time, he’ll probably call.”
“And say what, cool, now I really don’t have to show up for your games?” Danny’s eyes are full of anger when he looks at his mom. “I’ll hold my breath for that one. So Lily and Kate?”
“I’ll call them in the morning.”
“And then what? You going to be hanging around?” he cuts his eyes at Flynn.
“If you want me hanging around,” Flynn shrugs. “But let’s get something straight now.” He leans his elbows on his knees, relaxing his shoulders as he holds Daniel’s gaze. “I’m not the good parent. I’m not the free guilt trip. And I’m not the make Mom let me. No, I haven’t been around regardless the reason, but I’m here now. I’ll be at your games. I’ll help with any homework except Literature, and if you need a ride home I’m always a phone call away. Fair?”
Danny keeps a straight face, his mind working over Flynn’s words before he nods. “Fair.”
“I want to get to know you, Danny, on your terms. Okay?”
“Yeah, okay.” He pulls his hand away from Sharon’s, flipping his gaze between it and Flynn’s. “So you really are my dad?”
“Yeah, the test proved it.”
“So, you have any questions?” Sharon finally speaks, resisting the urge to brush at her son’s hair.
“It wasn’t an affair?”
Sharon lowers her head, whispering, “No, it was…”
“It’s called a whirlwind romance,” Flynn says, impressing himself with an expression worthy of Tao. Sharon shoots him a glance, which he returns with a wink. “Your mom and I weren’t really right for each other back then.”
“Are you now?” Danny looks from Flynn to his mother, getting blank looks from both. “So you aren’t dating?”
“Of course we aren’t. I’m practically his superior with my new assignment.”
“Superior?” Flynn questions, but Raydor waves him off, her attention back on her son. “We both love you, Danny. That’s the most important thing for you to know, okay?”
He nods, his hazel eyes shifting from her to Flynn. His quietness doesn’t sit well with Sharon, but she really isn’t sure what else to say or do. Daniel makes the decision for her, standing as he says, “I think I want to go to bed.” He turns, gaze on Flynn for a long moment as he compares their similarities. “So I’m related to a Major Crimes jerk?”
“Daniel!” Sharon chastises as Flynn chuckles.
“Recovering,” he says, “Your mom’s a good influence.”
Daniel looks at her and nods, “Is this why you’re being nicer to her?”
“Part of it,” he admits and Sharon isn’t sure if she should frown or smile. “And, truthfully,” Flynn leans a little closer to Danny as if to let him in on a secret, “she’s getting faster reflexes.” That gets a smile from the kid.
“I hear she’s got a mean right hook, at least Uncle Martin said she could smack him when they were kids.”
“I’m still here,” Sharon pipes up. “Danny,” she reaches for his hand, careful to not coddle him even though she wants to, “Are you okay?”
He shrugs. “I have a new dad. Why would I not be okay?" He gives her a quick hug, saying, "Night Mom," then heads to the kitchen door before turning to look at Flynn.
“Goodnight, Andy Flynn, my father,” he says, the words stumbling out as he tries them together for the first time. Flynn just grins.
“Night, kid.” He and Sharon watch as Daniel goes inside, him shaking his head at the lack of yelling, and Raydor forcing herself stay put when all she wants is to wrap her child in her arms as if he were a toddler again. “Well, good to know he has your level-head,” Flynn says when Danny is out of earshot. Sharon isn’t sure if it’s a compliment or not, but it makes her smile and at the moment that’s all that matters.