2nd assholes and the people assholes too

Oct 13, 2007 20:41

So last Thursday, I was late to work, nautious, and could hardly walk (let alone sit).  I was still having the tailbone hemmoroid thing happening and I started thinking about it again, so I was crying as I walked into my store.  My store manager, the store manager from Gonzales, my district manager, and a corporate auditor were all standing at the door as I make my watery entrance.  Bad day.

Fast forward to Friday.  My mom called me around 7am and insisted on my going to a doctor.  I cry some more, but take a shower and almost pass out.  She made an appointment with Dr. Tegala in LaPlace.  She drove an hour, I laid in the back seat (still crying) and we drove an hour to LaPlace.  My visit was one of the most terrible experiences of my life.

Dr. Tegala didn't believe me when I told him that I had a Pilinoidal Cyst.  He said it was just an ordinary cyst, but suggest that we lance it in-office to drain it.  I got all nervous and right away he ushered me to a back room with glass walls where he's going to pull my pants down!  The nurse came in, pulled a curtain, and I laid down where I was shaking due to fear.  I told him I was going to listen to my iPod because it might help me calm down.

I started holding my mom's hand and he injected my cyst with a local anesthetic.  OMG I went through the roof.  The pain surged all over my back.  It seemed like every muscle in my body tensed and I remember opening my mouth and I immediately, of course, started to cry.  Although he deadened the area, I felt him penetrate the tender skin with the scalpel.  He started squeezing from every direction trying to drain the cyst.  The pain was immense and my face was soaked with tears.  The only comfort I had was my mom's hand, which I brutally squeezed with every spike of pain.

Once he was finished, and after I yelled at him for showing me a syringe, etc., he tells me I need sedation and that he would call the ER to get me in quicker.

As I was getting up off the char/table thing, I looked down at the paper where my head was.  It was absolutely soaked with tears and the nurse told me to go through the back door so it'd be quicker.  We drove to River Parishes Hospital and I was taken right in to a private room in the ER.  I laid on my side with my little flappy robe and just balled up.  My mom tried to talk to me, but I was too traumatized/scared to think about anything but my ass.  After 30 minutes+, Dr. Morris came in, took a quick peek at the bum, and said it was a pilinoidal cyst and it needed draining.  He suggested conscious sedation (Demorall and Phenergan), and I would know everything happening, but would be unable to feel it.  I beg him to use general anesthesia, but he refused because he wasn't a surgeon.  A nurse came in to install the IV (which hurt a lot and required use of the iPod).

Another Dr. came to see me, this time a surgeon.  Another quick peek at the bum and he tells me I'm going to have surgery that day.  I'm kind of relieved.  The IV was installed (hard part down), and I was going to be knocked the hell out for the procedure.  They wheel me out, and all I remember now is the anesthesiologist telling me I was going to be relaxed and didn't need to worry.

I wake up to my mom and my gram's faces.  My mom saw that I was alive and left to allow Kristin to come and see me.  I'm wheeled to a room where I have to finish my IV and pee before I go home.

Gah, I slept on my side on a sofa for 5 days and watched more TV than a person under house arrest.

My follow up was Wednesday.  Dr. McGaff (surgeon) said everything was healing fine, but the surgery was a temporary fix for Pilinoidal Sinus Disease (PC term).  He said that the most likely course of action from here is chemical cauterization of the sinus cavity done in-office once a week over a course of 6-8 weeks.  Umm, nerr.  He will have to make an incision (most of the time unanesthized, according to internet) and rub silver nitrate into the sinus.  OUCH.

He also said another surgery may be necessary.  He would have to remove the sinus cavity completely, no matter how deep it may go.  To be honest, I think I'd prefer this course of action.  Put me to sleep and let me take pain killers for a week.  woot, there it is.  Although not fun, it's better than being cut open once a week and rubbing harsh chemicals inside my body.  Meh.
Anyway, shifting from my second asshole to the real assholes.  I'm talking about the person kind, not the chocolate starfish.  Apparently I must be one because I've pissed off the other half.  Yesterday was the first time we've ever had a fight, and it was kind of an extremely mini-fight, which ended with me being hung up on.

I feel like shit, not only because of yesterday, but also because I've been pulling 8am shifts.  I sleep like shit and I'm super tired.  Last night I was in bed for 9, and tonight I'm going to sleep as soon as the race is over.

Breaking out the long sleeves now.  Shit.  I hate cold weather.

pilinoidal cyst

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