Apr 30, 2009 23:58
Windows Movie Maker is taking foreverrr to import a video clip I need for my project, so I will slow it even further with increasing my CPU Usage by blogging to you fine people.
Since the last time I updated I have...
-blown my truck's engine.
-spent more time in Middleton than all previous semesters combined.
-JUST missed an astronomy homework assignment that's been written on my wrist ALL day. FUCK.
-got a root canal.
-possibly fractured my nose in a bizarre sleeping accident/attack.
-lost a project for school because of technical incompatibilities.
-professionally photographed Metro Station, All Time Low, and Fall Out Boy, among others.
Oh look, it's done!! yay!
Oh, and I *might* be getting this BAD ASS JEEP! My dad's going to talk to the owner realll soon. I have the money situation all sorted out and I just need to pay for it! XD