May 11, 2003 23:25
X Name: Sara Erica
X Birthplace: clearwater, florida
X Eye Color: brown
X Hair Color: black at the moment, naturaly brown
X Righty or Lefty: lefty
X Zodiac Sign: leo
series two - describe
X Your heritage: english, italian, austrian, russian, and polish
X The shoes you wore today: grinders, really old and skuffed
X Your hair: short and messy with a head band and some wax
X Your eyes: dark brown with really long eyelashes
X Your fears: birds, elevators, never sleeping
series three - what is
X Your most overused phrase on aim: "whats up?"
X The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: their laugh
X Your best physical feature: my fingernails are pretty nice
X Your bedtime: no earlier then 3am
X Your most missed memory: i dont want to talk about it
X Your favorite article of clothing: the jeans im wearing right now with the holes in both knees
series four - you prefer
X Pepsi or coke: coke
X McDonald's or Burger King: both nasty
X Single or group dates: group
X Adidas or nike: adidas
X Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
X Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
X Cappuccino or coffee: coffee
X Boxers or briefs: boxers
series five - do you
X Smoke: cigerettes unfortunately
X Sing well: too much i think
X Take a shower everyday: i surely try
X Have a crush: yea on my boyfriend
X Who are they: james the cutest lumberjack ever
X Do you think you've been in love before: yes
X Want to go to grad school: not right now i dont
X Like college: i really really really dont
X Want to get married: yes yes yes
X Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: im not exactly sure but i think mostly i do
X Think you're attractive: i try to be
X Think you're a health freak: no, bring me some cookies
series six - in the past 3 months, did/have you
X Drank alcohol: yes
X Smoked: yes
X Done a drug: no, well, i dont remember, shit, yes
X Made Out: yes
X Go on a date: yes
X Eaten an entire box of Oreos: umm no
X Eaten sushi: yes
X Been dumped: no
X Gone skating: no
X Made homemade cookies: actually i think so
X Been in love: kinda
X Gone skinny dipping: no
X Dyed your hair: yes
X Stolen anything: maybe someones heart
series seven - have you ever
X Played a game that required removal of clothing?:no
X Been caught "doing something": no
X Been called a tease: haha oh yea
X Gotten beaten up: only during soccer games
X shoplifted: no
X Changed who you were to fit in: probably cause i can be a loser sometimes, but that was more like when i was 14, i havent done it in years
series nine - opposite sex
X Best eye color? anything is stunning
X Best hair color? i like the black
X Short or long hair? short
X Best height: give em to me tall
X Best weight: more then me
X Best articles of clothing: ones they like
X Best first date location: somewhere to look at the stars
X Best first kiss location: anywhere
series ten - number of
X Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
X Number of people I could trust with my life: 11
X Number of CDs that I own: something like 83
X Number of piercings: 2 on each ear
X Number of tattoos: 3
X Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: i think once maybe twice
X Number of scars on my body: 1
X Number of things in my past that I regret: 2
series eleven- right now
X Wearing: a ribbon in my hair, long sleeve blue shirt, my fav jeans
X Eating: my tongue
X Listening: absolutely nothing
X Thinking: im in chicago right now and im bored and im on livejournal
X Watching: the light hitting off my nails when i type
X Date: may 12th
X Time: 11:56 central time