May 13, 2005 10:18
Good Morning!!!
Im beginning to think I should change my user name to "Weeping Willa"!
Yesterday, I cried talking to a friend on the phone.Tears of Joy rolled from me for her. In the afternoon, I became teary eyed as my heart wept for my employer's son...he is learning about peer pressure at school and got into a little trouble...He is a really good kid and his Dad was really mad and wants to ground him for life...considering the facts and the child's stature in life...I think Dad is being a little tooo harsh....Please GOD lift this man's spirit and give him understanding. His Dad is a good man...just strict. I woke up this morning and started into my morning prayers and reading. As I read, I began cry-ing from the heart and soul. I read the same passages everyday....and a different set at night. I think I have finally got it right....because the HOLY SPIRIT came through and I wept all through my morning prayers. Praise be to you , OUR ONE TRUE GOD!
I have been doing this routine for 2 months. I pray in the morning and in the evening. I have a set of prayers and readings for each day of the week. The morning prayers are different than the evening prayers but I keep these and say the same ones over and over. I read from passages in the morning and in the night. So, every day I get up and say Good Morning GOD. I roll out of bed go to the bathroom...feed the dog and cat while I'm saying the LORDS PRAYER....then I go to my writing and pray and read and praise GOD. In the evening, after work, I'm afraid I'll forget or be too tired so I say my prayers around 9-10pm and then surf the web before bed.
I must be doing something right because things are beginning to become clearer to me. This is not easy to describe... maybe its an awaking or an enlightenment...its very spiritual....I feel it my heart my soul.
I pray with the INTENT to please GOD from my heart. I do this wholeheartedly. I guess Im doing it right.
NO, I'm not mental and on an emotional roller coaster...I KNOW what that is.. been there - done that. THIS IS VERY VERY DIFFERENT.
I need to stop for a moment and mention that my Mom's 2 close friends have also played an important part in my growing periods in life. Diane and Nancy, THANK YOU...SO VERY MUCH for being apart of my life. Thank you for your individuality's and your guidances. I might not of realized it and you might not realize it but you both play an important roll in my life. I thank you for passing your wisdom and knowledge on to me and loving me for the person that I am today.
Mom, YOU KNOW, you mean the world to me and I always discuss everything with you. YOU KNOW, how important you are to me and how much I love you! I would not be the woman I am today if it were not for the love, support, and guidance you have gave me all of your life ( you are true-ly A wonderful person and a wonderful Mother - I LOVE YOU DEEPLY).