
Dec 20, 2009 21:25

So I apologize for neglecting this journal! Real life and Secret Santa got in the way, and I'll be back to my normal updates tomorrow! Anyways, I thought I'd share my escapades from last night! Hehehehehe

So, last night I had to go to a family Christmas party. This particular one is an annual tradition for a side of my family that I only see once a year. It’s always rather awkward, because no one really knows each other and we just kind of stand around and stay out of everyone’s way. Basically, we just eat and then have a present exchange. I was talking to Jen (shopping-luva) about how much I wasn’t looking forward to this party, and she came up with the brilliant idea for me to sneak Mentalist quotes into conversation! The results were pretty amazing, and the party was much more entertaining- for me anyways! And now… I will elaborate!

Quote 1: Use irk/irksome as many times as possible. This doesn’t have a special story to go with it, but I did end up using the word ‘irk’ three times and ‘irksome’ four times. Music was irksome, lasagna irks me, the loose step on the stairs outside was irksome… the list went on and on, and no one noticed anything out of the blue with that one!

Quote 2: Bite me Hehehehe, this one was fun! Every year, they hire someone to be Santa for the little kids. This year, the normal Santa was already booked, so my second cousin (I think) was given the job much to his chagrin. I think we exchange a sentence every year. Anyways, my name is called and I have to go sit next to Santa (everyone including adults does this) He asks me what I want for Christmas, and this is how it goes:

“And what do you want for Christmas, child?” (Apparently cousin thought he was being funny)

“A job,” I say with a grin.

“Well good luck with that,” he answers sarcastically.

“Bite me.” I got a glare from parents for that one.

Quote 3: “How could that thought not have entered your head? Your denial that it did intrigues me.” This was a hard one, and I didn’t have an opportunity to use the whole quote. I did, however, use the first part. My little sister (who’s 19) sat across from me during dinner. We’re all broken up into little tables of four, but most families still sit together which defeats the mingling purpose… Anyways, I asked her if she was happy she was considered an adult now, so she wouldn’t have to actually sit on Santa’s lap. She looked confused, so I shouted, “How could that thought not have entered your head?!” I got several stares. It was great.

Quote 4: Men are like toasters OR Women are like accordions One of my favorite uncles was there (thankfully) and during the gift exchange, my dad got the present he brought. It was a keychain with a light at the end of it and the back folded out into a utility tool like a Swiss army knife. Needless to say, my dad was amused by the gift for the next 30 minutes. I turn to my uncle, and:

Me: Men are like toasters.

Uncle: Your dad’s a lamp. Sometimes on, sometimes not.

Quote 5: “There’s no accounting for taste, is there?" My great-uncles are twins, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen them without a wine glass in hand. They’re in their 80’s now I think. Anyways, one just had cataract surgery and doesn’t have to wear glasses any more. My great-aunt was telling me how all the younger ladies at the country club were saying how handsome he looked without his glasses, and she looked a bit annoyed. I told her there was no accounting for taste. She just looked at me oddly and walked away.

real life, random

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