#91 Sweet and Pops ♥

Jun 20, 2010 20:17

Hello! I'm your new blog crew maker; rakuten_tenki :DD♥
thank you so much noahko for introduce me XDD
also thank you for the welcome from other mods♥

a short introduction from me, I am a Japanese and Korean fangirl
can understand not so many Japanese and very little Korean
making blogcrews in my own comm (that actually a graphic comm lol)
maybe someone here knew me, hello there, hehe X3
maybe my blogcrews will be related about Japanese and Korean stuff
but I'm so open with other fandoms :D


Unlimited claim, just take the codes ;]

Please let me know if you take the codes :D

Please put "SWEET AND POPS"

my heartbeat is for {CLAIMHERE} only♥
http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo128/rakutenki/from%20pixel_peach/thth731_731620v13wxsagg9.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo128/rakutenki/from%20pixel_peach/thth731_731620v13wxsagg9.gif" alt="" />
my heartbeat is for {CLAIMHERE} only

I am { claimhere } lollipop
and only { claimhere } can lick me
http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo128/rakutenki/from%20pixel_peach/Lollipop2-1.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo128/rakutenki/from%20pixel_peach/Lollipop2-1.gif" alt="" />
I am { claimhere } lollipop
and only { claimhere } can lick me

{CLAIMHERE} is my love drug

{CLAIMHERE} is my love drug http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo128/rakutenki/from%20pixel_peach/4rbs3mg.gif" _fcksavedurl="http://i368.photobucket.com/albums/oo128/rakutenki/from%20pixel_peach/4rbs3mg.gif" />

☾ multifandom ☽, [►] OPEN, ☄ rakuten_tenki, ❝ Blogcrews ❞, [☆] UNLIMITED CLAIMS

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