Laugh of the Day -EDIT-

Oct 08, 2007 13:14

Some comments I got for 'That's It?' . The bashing continues...

Someone said:"I'm disappointed in you, Divine. Really disappointed.

'Dude, I'm not complaining about the 'no-commenters', I'm complaining about hyper brats who has no more vocabs than 'COOL' & 'NICE' all the time. THAT is a redundant-one-word-stupid-commenter. I don't care if you don't wanna comment if you have nothing useful to say, but don't say I didn't warn you'

People do not owe it to you to write out long comments about why the like or do not like your work. You publish your works on DA for people to look at. You should appreciate the fact that you have such a large fan following with people who bother to look at/fave/comment on your art at all.

You also draw fan art - which is awesome. You're allowed to draw whatever the hell you like, and I respect you for standing up against the people who look down at fanart too. However, a majority of your audience are fangirls. A lot of them will be looking at your work and will love it because it has a character they adore in it. They are likely to type only one word comments or just simply fave it. If they type a one word comment, it's usually because they have nothing else to say but would still like you to know that they like your work. Again, they don't have to do that at all.

Most one word commentors support you, otherwise they wouldn't bother to look at your stuff at all. I think you're treating the people who bother unfairly.

Seriously, I've always appreciated the fact that you draw whatever the hell you like despite what people might think, but it's really disappointing to hear that you're shooting people down because they're faving you without commenting or leaving one word comments

People don't have to do anything. You should be grateful that they do. If you TRULY want better feedback, go a place that's made for that, like or something."

Oh...what is this? A long, scathing comment just for being myself? Aha...I was a robot before, eh?

My response:

"Sorry to disappoint you. But really, I didn't remember I promised anything about being a happy, grateful bunny all the time.

I didn't ask for comments if people don't have anything useful to say. But when people just fav, the deviation will get the attention it sometimes doesn't deserve and I have to deal with asses then. A lot of them complained why my works are there when nothing useful has been said, and that became an issue for most in DA, furthermore with me drawing fanarts, which as you said, they don't really look upon.

I can't list down the many insults I've given because they're too many and no one really cares. They just know it' 'Cool' and fav and go on with their lives.

Is it unfair for those who I called 'spam commenters'? Maybe. What about my situation? Sure, you enjoyed my works. I love drawing. My works are adored. It's supposed to end there. Right? Wrong. Most of the time people fail to see things artists have to face in favour of their works.

People don't have to like me, or my work. If you don't like my attitude, fine with me. I know I'm not perfect despite what people think I should be. Most of the time when I bare my real feelings, this is what I got. At least I want to be honest with myself. Again, if you don't like my attitude, this is me.

Grateful? Yes, I am. Those who know me well to know my latest rant is NOT directed to them. Weren't me being here enough to say that? Or my existence here is transparent and just to feed some people's hunger in fanart?"

By the way...I'm not drawing conceptart or anything. I'm just drawing on DA for FUN. I have the right to control my audience. What's wrong about hating 13 year olds who can't spell?

Someone who agreed on the above comment said:
"I agree. Posting up on DA or ANY online art community, everyone runs the risk of what could be called 'spam comments'. Yes, they can be irritating. Yes, they can sometimes make you feel as though your gallery is little more than a stomping ground for trolls but it still gives you no right to call them "redundant-one-word-stupid-commenters".
Nobody asked you to set up a DA account. You did it of your own freewill and if you can't be prepared to take the bad with the good, then you should really reconsider your position here.
For every work of art-be it stick figure or epicly detailed masterpiece there will always be people who make only one word comments or say "kewl! AWwesssum!". It comes with the territory. Be thankful you get comments- I've seen many great artists with less than a handful of positive words applied to their stuff, so please think about that before you go off on a ranting rampage.

I'm not being bitchy here. I'm tryna be rational. I understand your diliema as it's one I've been in myself. Yes, it can be frustrating but I find the best thing here is to use those one worded comments as an incentive, a jumping point or motivation if you will- to keep on getting better in the hopes of getting a few more words out of the viewers."

Oh geez, woman! I don't know I'm treading on fine line here! Am I being threatened for being mean to my 'omfawkingGAWD ur so awsume' fans? Woooo...scareeeyyyy.

As you said, nobody asked me to make a DA account. brain did force me to make one. Blame it. Though I'd like to ask why did you bother about me having a gallery? You should ask yourself why you bother looking at it. Dope.

My response:

"I think I've explained this more than once before but alas, when I wrote it on my journal, no one really bothered to read. So that's why I wrote it in my deviation. And this is what I get in response. Good,at least I got your attention.

Really...if you can't stand me, just leave me alone. I'm not here to fulfill anyone else's expectation. I'm here because I chose to. My gallery, MY rule. If you don't like my attitude go somewhere else.

By the way, I have the right to be human. I'm not your goddamn drawing slave to just sit back and accept whatever shit people wanna give me.

And those on-word commenters. They copy-paste their comments. Is that even relavant as ' a comment'?"

In note (see? nobody listens) :

***** said the following:

"Jesus fuck, woman, you have no idea how conceited you sound. Those 'kids' or brats or whoever are COMPLIMENTING you, and you go so far as to insult them because they can't leave a more decent comment? Something is wrong with that. If you don't want to hear nice things from people, then just leave. DeviantART has enough stuck-up artists, one less would not be missed."

Oooh! Oooh! Is this an attempt to make me emoez and cry and run away from DA, shut down my gallery and stuffz???

Ya know, since you don't listen to me, I don't really have to read what you're writing here. So you're as important as fart.

First of, her username is 'bitchtits', so I can't really blame her for being one here. By the way, I think she never commented before, cause I don't remember her username @ icon in my message box/deviations. Think she felt the heat? Oops~

My response:

"So I'm stuck up, am I? That's me. I'm tired of lying to myself. Get comfy with it."

Did she really have to bother? I mean, there are loads other artists out there who're worth watching and fangirling at (she said it herself *points* ). I went to her gallery and she had nothing on her fav-list. Do I smell a hypocrite here?

And so, I didn't hear anything else from her...

I hid the public comments after giving them some thought. What's the point of me talking to them anyways? I'm still the one to blame for bashing these turds to them. So, in favour of getting no more shitty response just to make my mood sour, I hid them and disable comments on this entry.

I'll list my points in point form in hopes you'll get it clear this time:

  • I'm a bitch.
  • There are more better artist than me.
  • Spam them.
And this concludes the topic of  'What I Get In Return For Speaking My Own Damn Mind'.

p.s. I don't think they even know me. Random commenters just giving it a go as they please.


I know, I know...I shouldn't, but I like keeping the hate comments I get just so I can be emoez again 83

" I watch you because I like to see your art and how you're slowly developing your style.

I don't know why you're throwing this hissy fit about people not 'appreciating' your art, but I think it's sad. If you're not 'appreciated' why do you have such an insane amount of watchers, faves and comments?

People show appreciation for a work by commenting and faving - both of which don't seem to be good enough for you anymore.

The fact is, deviantart is really not the place for constructive feedback on your art work. If that's what you're really looking for - then go to a place that is specially built up for that. There are lots of places where people will give you good advice, criticism and comments on how to improve and become the best artist you can be. DeviantArt really isn't that place.

DA is literally a site to share you artwork and I think it's just stupid to turn around on the people showing their appreciation for your work the only way they know how.

I don't know what happened to you, but I don't want to watch someone who complains about people faving and commenting their work because it's not enough.

There are so many wonderful artists on DA who get neither of these and appreciate everything they get. I find it sad when popular people on DA suddenly turn around and decide that they don't want it anymore.

No one MADE you post your work on DA. You did it, because you wanted people to see your work.

Basically, I've lost all respect for you. I'm just one of the many people who watch you, so I don't think it will make a difference when I stop watching your work."

At least she agrees with me that DA is shitstick *shrugs* Good riddance...good riddance...let's dance and have sex cause DS is gone from my whoring-site~ *W00T*
"It's sad about Divine - but if you're here to have fun, why should it matter if how many one-worded comments you get? Lots of people deal with it okay."

Boy, I didn't know it'd be THIS quick for you to eat back your own words! 8DDD Lots of people take the same shit, eh? Guess what they did? They LEFT.

So am I ;3

C'mon, sista. Have some dignity. Don't say you even have -feelings- for me.

Okay, I promise I won't be a bitch about this anymore 83 Even if you don't forgive me, I already forgave you. Old people can't remember grudges anyways.

pissed off, pissed, emo, rant, fucker, *, public, life, da suck

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