
Nov 13, 2012 00:43 died and brought almost all of my uploads with it 8(

After 4 days of wondering what went wrong, the admin finally came out and announced that the site took too much resources and he was unable to support it. I guess I can't really blame him, but it sure was a let down. Oh well, time to find other image hosts, preferably ones keen on staying online. All my art posts will be very empty for a while until I reupload and fix the links, which would take time when I have it although feel free to ask if you need to see specific posts fixed.

Life? Ehh same 'ol routine. Work, art, stress, sick, family, etc. I don't really like talking about my life online nowadays. I like to pretend it doesn't exist. Writing all the heartache and stress will only remind me of them so I don't bother. Why whine and moan about things if you can't change anyway? I stopped caring about all the things that I don't like, doesn't make me happier, but at least it's easier.

rant, life

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