Mar 27, 2007 16:29
my belly is constantly sick lately. i always feel like i'm about to throw up. sometimes i do. i hate it.
i hate how much my anxiety effects me, especially physically. i almost never eat anymore because just the thought of it makes me even more queasy.
@ least i'm skinny now, but this is not how i wanted to go about it. 125lbs is too low for me.
i think i might try & get ginger root capsules again. i used to take them, but have been having trouble finding any.
it doesn't matter though, it's not even a physical problem, that's the tricky part. "it's all in my head".
but now i've been coughing today, what's up with that?! i can't be sick, there's no one to take care of me. (i know, i'm pathetic, but i feel helpless when i get sick, what can i say)
i just wish i could take my buby-love out to dinner or angel deserves it.
& so much more...
but that's a different post.