Friday the fuckin'' 13th.

Aug 14, 2004 08:32

Yesterday was a pretty lucky day all in all. Except for me almost not waking up for bball, me hurting my ankle again..and something else no one will ever believe but us that were in the car.

-yesterday during the day was alright, just tiring and it pissed me off that I hurt my ankle.

-the evening started off kind of bad because I got ditched right on heading into milford memories so I just walked around a lone until I found, Griffin, Jake, Jimmy, Nicole, and a crowd which was pretty fun. I haven't seen much of them all summer and it was really good to reunite. Things got even better when I realized Kc was working so I went ang hung out with her for a while too. While there I was so happy to see Mariel and Chris, and Steve Bowman, and Nick Vernier. That was really special haha. I haven't seen them all in a long time, I just wish Jenny would have been there too. My day still continued to rise when Dev called and said he was coming to Milford to see me. Once he got there, I left with him, Josh and his brother Jon, and Nick Kent. We all walked around Milford for a bit, and I freaked out because I saw my volleyball coach Mr. Marszalek's wife who is a stereotypical bitch. Ehh...anyway, after we all left and went to Nick's house after he took his g/f home. We chilled there for a while then went and visited Pat Simpson and his work. Afterwards, Nick had to go to his girlfriends house who he was in a huge fight with. So we went to the apartments and they faught for while and we all listened haha. After a while, Pat called and wanted to hang out and somewhere it was someones brilliant idea to go the cemetery. Which is like Pat Simpson's thing of gift if you all know him. He's like one and one with spirits and such. So after we took Josh and Jon home we went to the cememtery. This is where it get FUCKED UP. I guess that we pissed some kind of spirit off by being disrespectful and walking around and yelling and Dev and I were making out haha, because after a whilw Pat started to get bad feelings, like we were being followed by a spirit that didn't want us there. So we all got in the car to leave. Then Nick and Pat started freaking out because they felt, they are Wiccan, it following us. Nick was screaming for Pat to step on the gas and get the fuck out but dude, no one will believe this but us four, and I'll never even believe it myself, as we were turing to leave, Dev and I were laughing and Nick for yelling to leave, then Dev looked over and screamed his fucking head off, and that caused everyone else to look. We all saw what we thought was a person in white, all white, a misty misty misty figure that was impossible to make out in human form. I'm still fucked up from it. Afterwards Pat said it was wierd it chose us to see it, especially since I've never 'practiced any religion of the sort or spoke with spirits'. We all blessed ourselves and left. Oh my god, it was fucked up. FUCKED UPPPPPP. I'll never in my life forget that, all I have to say is have respect for that stuff, I now believe haha. But I still cannot believe I saw that. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.

WEll I'm out, I'm still spooked.

love love.
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