
Jun 10, 2010 00:13

[Ammy had been chilling out by her trees and watching the village when she saw a glowing green ball bounce in front of her nose before disappearing to the side. At first, it didn't even register to her. But then, she blinks hard and shakes herself out of stupor before she leaps to her feet and looks around, almost frantically searching for that ( Read more... )

thoughts of home, ah the days of my youth, window!wolf, issun, o hai, miyabi

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[action] blue_velocity June 11 2010, 05:35:16 UTC
[This blue hedgehog doesn't want to stay indoors, not after recovering and being able to race around the village and forest like usual. There's no mistaking that signature trail of flowers. Sonic raced after the goddess and caught up to her, seeing her peek into a window.]

Hey, Ammy! What're you up to?


[action] divinepooch June 11 2010, 05:39:04 UTC
[Ammy turns her head swiftly, hearing Sonic's footsteps before his voice (not that there's much of a time gap between that), and gives her tail a light wag once she sees him. Aaah, she hasn't seen him in a long while! She pushes off of the window and goes to Sonic, not wasting any time to nuzzle his cheek with her own as a sign of greeting and affection.]


[action] blue_velocity June 11 2010, 06:17:21 UTC
[He laughed, feeling those nuzzles and then petted her in return. Any day seeing Ammy was a really good day, and if the day was already really good, then it only got better! He gently scritched behind her ears as he spoke to her.]

Hehe, I knew it was you by those flowers! Kinda reminds me that one day we gotta race again.

But how've you been? [He took a quick glance at the window she had been peering looking into.] Lookin' for something to eat?


[action] divinepooch June 11 2010, 06:31:08 UTC
[Mmmmmmm ear scritches ♥ She leans into that, lifting up her front paw to get a liiiiittle more of those scritches, then opens one eye at his inquiry. Well, sort of... More like just checking on people. Which she tries to communicate by nosing his hand and gazing at him questioningly. Have you been seeing things? How've you been?]


[action] blue_velocity June 11 2010, 19:02:56 UTC
[Sonic obliged and continued a bit with the ear scritches before going back to just petting her. From her expression, he could guess what she was asking him. He thought about it for a moment then nodded.]

I've been all right! I think, heh. 'Least I know I'm not the only one hearing or seeing stuff from home. Is that kinda thing happening to you too?


[action] divinepooch June 11 2010, 19:26:09 UTC
[So he's not the only one? So she's not going nuts? That's good to know! ... Sort of. But anyway, she nods her head and lets out a noise between a sigh and a whine. She doesn't like this... It makes her miss home too much.]


[action] blue_velocity June 11 2010, 21:33:28 UTC
[He knelt down to a knee as if to be a little bit closer to her, especially since the experiment, or whatever it was, really was getting to her. His smile became softer, and his hand moved along her back at a slower pace now as he tried to comfort her.]

Yeah, I know it's kinda tough right now. But in one way, maybe it's not so bad cuz then we're reminded of home, and we know it's out there waitin' for us! We'll get through this togther, I promise!

[He thought that it might've been harder on her, perhaps due to her spiritual power. She may have picked up or sensed more hints than he had or others had, he wasn't sure.] So what kinda things have you been seeing or hearing? It's nothing bad, is it?


[action] divinepooch June 11 2010, 23:44:18 UTC
[That is true... Her home is waiting for her, and Issun is, too. But what she'd give to go there right now and let everyone know that their sun goddess is still there... Even if most of them still don't believe in her. Still, Nippon is the land she's supposed to protect, and it was this close to being plunged to darkness, and... She shakes her head. Don't think about that.

Upon his inquiry, Ammy takes a second to write up her answer.]


[And because of the translating system in Luceti, those words immediately transform into...]



[action] blue_velocity June 12 2010, 02:14:26 UTC
[He always did find the wolf goddess's power so fascinating, and to him, felt like an honor whenever he did witness it. His eyes watched the characters magically appear before him, each stroke carefully crafted, and his smile brightened when he realized what she had written.]

Hey, that's not a bad thing at all! So you too, huh? I'm with ya on that one, I keep havin' to remind myself that whoever's callin' my name isn't really here.

But it's okay, right? It's totally cool if you miss your friends from home. 'Gives you something to think about, and you remember why you wake up everyday and fight.


[action] divinepooch June 12 2010, 06:28:14 UTC
[Yes, that's true... It's not really easy, though. With her world on the brink of destruction and her friend bailing out on her at the last minute... Ugh. She misses him like crazy. But she still sighs and leans in to rest her chin on Sonic's little shoulder. It means a lot for him to talk to her like that.]


[action] blue_velocity June 13 2010, 00:07:12 UTC
[He could sense her unease or worry, just as much as she probably could sense his own. He let a few moments of quiet pass as he continued to pet her, giving the both of them some time to reminisce or sort out their thoughts. It was always nice to hang out with her since she seemed to understand him even if he hadn't said a word. He had hoped that she was feeling a little better despite how difficult or trying it was now.]


[action] divinepooch June 13 2010, 05:26:39 UTC
[Yeah, she is. In fact, once she leans back, she seems to give a wolfish smile as her tail raises and starts to wag behind her. Thanks for that, Sonic! To show her gratitude, Sonic might see a circle painted around him before it disappears in the air - the Bloom technique, for when it's used on people, it can lift their spirits and their mood considerably.]


[action] blue_velocity June 13 2010, 06:12:55 UTC
[Aw, seeing her happy made him feel happier also. Tail wagging was a good sign, but he hadn't expected her to use her magic on him too! He stayed still, and once the circle was made, he closed his eyes briefly before he opened them again and gave her a bright smile.]

Hey, that was pretty cool, Ammy! Thanks! [He hopped up to his feet, and his wings fluttered behind him.] Hehe, 'glad that we could figure this out together. Everything'll be all right, I'm gonna make sure of it!


[action] divinepooch June 13 2010, 06:31:13 UTC
[Then she will, too! Seeing one of her closest friends so happy also serves to make her happy, and it makes her bounce on her front paws just a bit. It'll work out! Even if she does see her old friends again...]


[action] blue_velocity June 14 2010, 01:18:15 UTC
[He laughed, seeing how excited she was at that idea. He knew he could count on her to lift his spirits or help him out, and he was more than willing and glad to reciprocate since he was so grateful to her.]

Yeah, that's it! We're not gonna let it get us down! [Another quick, affectionate rub to her head.] C'mon, do you wanna get something to eat? Anything you want!


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