001 [Action]

May 06, 2011 18:53

[The first thing Ammy realizes is that she's not as strong as she was back home. Those tendrils of light on her back are gone as well as the extra markings; she can tell that even without opening her eyes. The second thing she notices is that she's lying on the ground instead of standing with her paws against the window on the ship to the Celestial Plain. The third thing is the pain at her back which definitely isn't from the light disappearing.

Ah ha. Here she thought she'd left this place for good, though she can't say she isn't happy to be here. But still, couldn't it have waited until after she got to the Plain? Jeez.

Ammy finally lifts her head and yawns as she regards the village she's in now. Just as she thought. Everything was pretty much exactly how she left it, and though she only spent a couple of hours back home, she knows that much more time has passed here in Luceti. That meant she had a lot of people to find.

... But that can wait.

With another yawn, Ammy lays her head back down, lets out a sigh and shuts her eyes. She might be right in the middle of the path, but you know what? She just got done with an hour long boss fight with the embodiment of evil and darkness itself where she lost all her powers and nearly died and suddenly had a power rush and lordie. She deserves a year long nap.

Is she on your pathway? On your bridge? In your garden? Right in front of your door? You decide; her location is mostly ambiguous!]

gdit luceti, sleepy time, most inconvenient napping place, no longer awesome, return

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