Dabbling in a touch of history...

May 15, 2010 22:31

So, I have safely made it back home.

And it was a gloriously delicious day today - well, until the sun decided to jerk us all around by hiding behind every available cloud known to humanity. Seriously, it was highly rude.

Other than that, I've been redirecting my free-time to the creation of a Renaissance "look" - and thanks to  salvo_salvare , I'm now in the process of creating a "character" for the festivities.

I'll give more information about her and her life in England during the mid-1500s as her lifestory is developed and continually redeveloped over the next few months. However, in short, she greatly resembles - gasp - me, and her personality is beginning to meld both my own traits and those of leading female characters from several classic novels, for who I've developed a great fondness over the years.

On that note,  salvo_salvare  is also beginning to delve into the history of England during the years of the Tudor line - which elates me, for that's plausibly my favourite historical period of all time (it even tops Egypt's dynastic lines! - and that is definitely saying something!). And the clothes! The Renaissance Festival is such a great opportunity to indulge in your inner fashionista! For real, it's awesome - and nobody stares, because it's the norm at Ren Fest to be costumed to the teeth. And for that, I thank humanity - or possibly whoever first created the MN Ren Fest. Yeah, that person - thank you.

It's sort of like heaven, I think, but with turkey legs.


And here is a picture of my friend and I at the 2008 MN Ren Fest.

-and yeah, I really am this cool. Like all the time. For real.

friend, ren fest, egypt, home, pic, costumes, tudors, england, history, clothing

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