1. Next week is our last week of total freedom. BOO! The preschool teachers are back on the 10th (with the kids coming back on the 17th) and the girls start back on the 14th. All the school supplies have been purchased and sorted into backpacks, and we're already thinking of First Day of School outifts.
2. Despite the fact that I've been out in the sun regularly all summer, somehow I still managed to get a sunburn yesterday. What's up with that, Mother Nature?
3. Ginny has become (somewhat) enamored of the word 'bitch'. It started a few weeks ago when we were listening to DH in the car, and she said that Molly's line to Bellatrix was her favorite part of the story, and then she proceeded to scream out said line. (It was seriously polarious.)
So the DH and I explained that it wasn't a nice word to say and that she shouldn't go around saying it, but we tried to explain why Molly Weasley would have used that word. She thought about it for a moment and said, "Oh, okay. But I thought Molly had just combined the words "Bellatrix" and "witch" and then called her a 'bitch'. I thought it was pretty funny." To which the DH and I had to give her props for such clever thinking.
This Pop Candy post had me LOL-ing all over the place, and now I kinda-sorta want to go to a Gwar concert, just to say that I have.
5. For the third month in a row, our power bill has stayed below $200! YAY!!! That has never happened the whole time we have lived in Albany, and that's also *with* the Georgia Power rate hike that happened earlier in the year. We've been careful with the electricity, but not overly so. The only thing we can chalk it up to is our new roof, so YAY for that. We have just one more month to get through before the rates drop after the summer, and typically our August bill is lower than May, June or July's so I'm feeling optimistic.