Oct 07, 2004 12:21
here is the big question(dundundun): What do I wear to court?
last time I walked in and the first thing I see is Bryan, wearing a suit and blindingly pollished black shoes and looking like he was awaiting a sentence to the death penalty, while i, of course, was wearing jeans, sneakers, and a sweater. Both the erins were sort of dressed up as well, but rachel and lauren were both dressed along the lines i was. it was very confusing. so what do i wear? i don't want to look like a fucking scrub next to senor taco again. i felt like such an ass. but seriously, coment and tell me what to wear.
missed the bus again, but luckily this time i did not have to deal with senile secretaties because, of course, i knew where the pay phones were from my previous experience.
ooh lizz is here, fun! :::sarcasm:::
i have made a new journal it's _unfair_ but it is for writing short stories and all that shit so i don't block up your friends page by writing it all on here. see, im so fucking considerate. i want a medal. seriously.
i am doing such a cool water color thing in art class it's pandora's box. you would all be so jealous of my artistic ability. hell yeah. but i didn't get to finish it because julliana kept calling me over to be like "spell this word for me" or "look at dimitri" (who is erika's pumpkin). then we got into a conversation on how stanley thought i died because he saw me walking down the street soaking wet and wearing no shoes and looking lost and then i didn't show up to school the next day. i think he thought i just kept walking. which i almost did. i wanted to. why? because i was just so damn bored.
dont you all just love me for telling you all this crap you don't want to know?