Jul 02, 2006 19:38
Alright interesting past two days. To start Saturday, worked from noon until 11pm. As for the amount of people that came in, the day was slow. However if you refer to the interesting aspects of the day there where many that popped up. Here are the ones I remember... once a guy stood up to leave and banged his head on one of the lamps that over hangs the tables (said it felt like a person bumped their tooth into his head) by the time he got up to our host stand his head was bleeding uncontrollably. Then we had cops & police come because a couple had tried to sham the restaurant earlier. They came in and said to us (me & two other hosts that they wanted to speak to a mangaer) I went to get one. Apparently while I was doing this they interogated one of my fellow hosts asking them who had been the manager on yesterday, when she said she didn't know she offered to ask but they said everything was fine. So manager comes talks to them privately we (the hosts) go about our business. Our manager takes down some notes and says he'll be right back; the couple says they'll wait outside (to us). When manager comes back they're gone. Apparently they told our manager that they had been at the restaurant the previous day and that in the gentlemen's bathroom their son had fallen or something and somehow obtained a bloody nose an uproar was made about it and they were embarrassed so they wanted to obtain a free meal. Our manager who talked with them had been working the day before and said he did not remember this occurring but said he would go check with the other managers and see if they had anything like that reported. Well apparently this couple pulled the same thing at the mall's food court and fleed from there as well when they realized that they weren't going to get anything. So the mall's security came (because one of our managers called them but also called the police; yet thought only the mall security would come)and we explained what happened and they asked us (the hosts & our manager who met with the couple) to describe them, we did. Then they headed all around the mall and to the other restaurant establishments (mainly) to warn them of this couple. Apparently they were never caught. Along with that we had three dogs come into the restaurant. The first was with two ladies, it was a little chiahuawa. Now they told us about this one it was in a little dogs carrier. Then we had a dog smuggled in inside a purse followed by another dog (don't know how that one got in) but all three where taken care of by our managers. Now today thought it wouldn't be as interesting a day but got a surprise early this morning. I got to work half an hour early so decided to go buy a coffee, ran into my cousin buying himself a new pair of sunglasses. ( I was like this is a sign today will be surprising.) Low and behold it was! Saturdays are usually our busiest day but today was like a normal Saturday and yesterday was like a normal Sunday. Then two of my fellow employees smashed heads and they both seemed fine until one's head developed a giant bump on it. (They're fine now but it wasn't expected.) I also got a surprise that in three months (that's the rumored time frame) we'll be having our uniforms changed. (My only hope is that they are not going to kill us in the summer heat.) Now tomorrow morning I picked up a shift so I will be opening for the hosts tomorrow, which means if I'm lucky the lastest I'll be there will be 4pm. I also picked up a 5pm close shift for Tuesday (yes, July 4th. Hey didn't have any plans.) Right now I am currently exhausted. Trying to plan some fun times with friends but hard to do that at the moment because no one seems to be trying to contact me to do anything (a simple movie night at my house is do-able and fine!) I'm going to be starting up my private art lessons again on Wednesdays at 1 o'clock. Can't wait! :) Yeah so that's my life's position currently, lol. Hope I'll get to write later that's enough for now.