Kairi - Sora's Most Important Person?

Aug 11, 2009 13:44

I seriously think not. Here're some tidbits I came to realize about Kairi and wouldn't really mind a good debate about it - speficially the point raised in the topic.

Let this be named - The Essay, Appendix A, if only because it deals with Kairi and Namine both and what I believe to be misconceptions about it.

Lol rant )

riku, sonami, kairi, namine, sokai, kingdom hearts

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Re: I dunno what to put as the subject soo...whatever. :D divineduckling September 20 2009, 10:15:37 UTC
"Thank you for responding. :D"

You bothered not only reading my shiz, but also replying to it. It's the least I can do :)

"I really can't wait for Days to come out. I'm sure it'll leave me feeling angry when I finish it, but it's bound to be great. Unfortunately, I saw so many spoilers so there won't be too many suprises. >_<""

Why angry? D: Kairi influence? Don't. It has so little and of laughable quality XD;
But meh. I want BBS more. And I want a PSP XD;

"Oh geez. It's like Riku doesn't even exist in her world. I remember disliking her a little because of her obnoxious giggle/laugh in KH1, and when she suggested to leave on the raft without Riku, she hit the nail into her coffin. UGH. >_>"

I KNOW! I kind of liked her and amused myself with the concept of SoKai, and blamed the giggle on the voice actor. Not the character's fault, right? But then she pulled the raft comment and 10 minutes into the game, she was dead to me o_o

"And when Riku proceeded to go through so much to help her get her heart back, WHEN SHE JUST IGNORES HIM, I was so pissed. But then I kinda figured he was doing it, not only because he cares for her but because of Sora. You know, making him jealous etc etc..."

If you read my other essays (which I'm pretty sure you did xD) you'd know that's my view on it as well. You kind of can't see it in any other way after the scene in Traverse Town, and Riku's comments later on. He didn't care about Kairi, dissing her twice before, and after Maleficent fueled the fire of his jealousy, all of a sudden he HAD to save Kairi, and Kairi wasn't looking for them anymore, but needed to be saved, etc. "What do you care?!", "are they that important to you? More important than old friends?" He thought Sora didn't care about him, so he went after the person Sora did seem to care about - being Kairi.
The sad thing is, that even Sora's concern towards Kairi can be seen as not his fault, because he had her Heart in his Body. People can argue it didn't affect him all they want, we SAW that it DID. Nothing's confirmed, true, but you cannot and must not rule out the possibility that that's why Sora cared so much. And once her Heart was out - bam. She'd get in his way, she's left to rot away in Traverse Town, and it was all about Riku from that point onwards. And it's not like Sora didn't have anything to do with her anymore so it was legit - he treated Namine completely differently when he left her behind, after all.
:\ really. SoKai is such a nonexistent couple.

"And yes, I did read a lot of essays."

...durr. Read whole post before replying XD;

"I'm not sure if I got around to all of them but I certainly got to most. It is pretty deep, but since Disney is involved with it, I always just figure that it can't be THAT serious."

With the PoHs all being Disney characters, I think that's not true. Disney might be why they're trying so desperately to feed us SoKai (since SoRiku's being gay, and SoNami can't be accepted since Namine's a witch, and Darkness affiliated what with being a Nobody), but Nomura still didn't canonize SoKai. That means he'd keep up the act, but give us enough ways in which to nullify it through the plot. And I'm sorry, Sora did NOT sacrifice himself for Kairi's sake in KH1. So you see where I'm going at here.

"There are just so many things I love about the series, Kairi not being one of them. >_<"

I do believe Kairi is about the only thing I don't like about the series from inside the series.
What I dislike outside the actual game is Nojima (KH2's scenario writer). He needs to die XD

"I really hate how she just pops out of the wood work every once in a while just so you don't forget she exists. "

That's why CoM was fun :D because Sora DID forget about her XD


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