Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Part 11

Oct 08, 2009 11:46

We're back to Day 301, and Ruler of the Sky.

Eh. I actually had a harder time with the thing from Halloween Town :\ die twice, you know all the tricks, stay in place and spam b/y according to need.
One thing's for certain though, I do believe this is one of the most epic battles the series has given us. Think about it - an aerial battle in the middle of the ocean, with a huge, powerful Heartless that can make ice pillars shoot up from the water, fire ice balls at you, and has a machine gun. To top it all, the bastard refuses to die.
...aaand to top it all, it manages to crash into Hook's ship right before it disappeared XD

Still hoping to have ice cream with them, huh, Roxy?

Day 302
Oh right. More missions. Durrr.
Oooh, I can synth the Ultimate +... once I sell my soul again XD
*50 Heartless pop up*
Roxas: oh, yeah, this is fair
XD you still got some of your charm, kid.
About time Xigbar showed up.
"Kiddo, the only thing you'll ever save me from is boredom."
Awesome, Xigbar pushed Roxas out of the way~

Day 303
@_@ bloody hell.

Day 304\
Helpfulk tip for those going after the Emerald Serenade in the mazes - you have the map. Use it. The route is circular. If you wanna go for physical attack, meet it where there aren't other Heartless. Two hits minimum. If you wanna cast a spell, wait for it and before it shows, start casting. Otherwise, you'd miss it. Didn't take that long.

Day 321
~Waning Power~

You wanna tell me Xion was there for all this time?
Ohh... The scene where Riku took the Keyblade from Sora. And this time... it was Roxas who dreamed it... and cried? o.o I knew that scene was a lot more traumatizing for Sora then we got to see! How sweet!
"I thought maybe if I got everything off my chest with them, I might stop having the nightmares... but so much for testing that theory."
I... am seriously pissed off with how childish Roxas is. I was hoping he'd mature more during the time he was with the Organization, but no. He grew up from being adorable to being obnoxious. That's exactly why I didn't like him in KH2. Xion and Axel have their own beef, duh? That's why they're not coming to the clock tower anymore. Thought of that, hm?

A mission with Xi-Xi. I'm slightly worried.
Daaw, she's worried about him, even with everything that's going on with her ;w; ♥
"Roxas is having an off day! level halved!"
O_O;;; no shit.
Oh cool, the Cave of Wonders Keyhole room D:
Xion: I remember this... would. Since Sora does.
"You look so much like him."
Cue Heartless to ruin almost kiss.
...I was HOPING the thing would stop down so I could hit it, but... then Xion pulled a cheat sheet D:
Oh. Shit. She started to eat up Roxas's powers, too.
Yey, ice cream scene! ♥
"Since when do you ever worry about me?"
Ouch, cold D: she worries when she's not the one to be worried about, Rox.
"Usually, I do all the worrying over you."
"Well, for your information, I worry about you all the time, Roxas >:c"
Atta girl, Xi-Xi. Tell him off.
X: "I guess Axel's not coming today."
R: What, you want him to?
X: What, did you two have a fight?
Pfft, she doesn't even see why they should be mad at Axel.
R: I can't believe that jerk would actually attack you.
X: So he's a jerk now?
I so love Xion/Axel. Even on the friendship level. I donno, it just feel so honest and mutual. Yes, even him hitting her. Like Sora was willing to attack Repliku for the chance it'd "remind" him they were friends. I guess what I like about it is that it feels sort of real. In a friendship, you need to be rough with your friends sometimes - especially when they're doing something you believe to be bad for them. I wish Roxas would've been a bit more open minded and learned. I mean, after everything he owes Axel, to act like that? I suppose he could've been disillusioned about him, but it's the same Axel that was always there. Always will be there. And it's the Axel that ended up bringing Xion back home. So what gives.
X: Roxas, I wouldn't be sitting here with you if Axel hadn't done that.
Since she would not have came back on her own.
X: He's your best friend.
You tell him, Xi-Xi! D:
R: So are you.
X:'s just not the same without all three of us.
You know it.
D: Xi-Xi, I don't care how much of Sora's Memories of Kairi you're based on. You're obviously not based on the Memory of the raft comment.

Switch to Axel.
"He says the Keyblade wears him down when he uses it. And suddenly, I'm fighting the way way he does."
You fought that way earlier too, Xi-Xi, just now you're starting to realize it.  Guess that's where you both stopped being Sora, and you started taking of what Roxas has unique to himself.
A: Well, you know him better than me.
No she doesn't ;w; don't take out your frustrations on her.
X: Why would you say that?
A: Ask yourself what's doing it to him.
...I guess Axel knows what's up. Poor Xion.
"What, did they forget to build you with common sense?"
;w; Xi-Xi's an experiment for the Org.
"You already knew you're a Replica"
Like Repliku... only based on seeping off Memories instead of having someone's Data involved? D:
"A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas's powers."
Roxas? Not Sora's? ...and does that even make a difference.
"If he's getting weaker and you're getting stronger..."
One logical deduction D:
Was Riku the one that told her that... or did she find that out on her own? ...and did they both find that out in Castle Oblivion when they were there and that's why they started acting weird?
X: What should I do?
A: I can't make that decision for you. You're no puppet in my book. You're my best friend. Mine and Roxas's. Got it memorized?
...just when I thought you hated her ;w; Axel. You see it's not her fault in the sense that she wanted it to happen. You, unlike Roxas, remember everything you've been through up to then and cherish it. I wonder if it's because you remember what true friendships are like, while Roxas doesn't.
X: I saw a boy today who looks just like Roxas.'ve seen Sora?
X: Is he who I think he is?
...I wanted to hear the answer to that, but.. Xigbar eavesdropping is a lot more interesting D:

Day 322
~The Program~

Xigbar: Sora is having a powerful effect on her.
Xemnas: Yes, it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own - nor become the person we see.
Guess Repliku was better then, as he wasn't just a puppet. I wonder if it's because Riku's behavior data was installed though.
Xemnas: But in the end, it only proves the puppet is the more worthy vessel.
...than Roxas? D:
"Both of them have connections to Sora, but we only need one of them under our thumb. Let Xion take from Roxas the rest of what he has to give... Or, let him destroy her first and get it all back. It makes no difference to me."
o_o You slimy... but I guess we can sum up what happens to Xi-Xi in light of Roxas being the one going through the motions in KH2 ._. ;_; nooooooo, Xi-Xi!!!!
"Either way, Sora's power will be ours."
Because Roxas took half... and then Xion took the other half while he was sleeping D:

Random note. I guess the reason Saix told Riku in KH2 that he thought Roxas took care of him was because of the missions he was sent on.

It's sweet how Axel and Xion both worry over Roxas... even with him being a brat. That's what friendship is really about.
Poor Axel.
"Girls her age have many faces."
I bet, Xigbar, I bet. Who DO you see on Xion, anyway?

...go look for Xaldin? What, did he get lost in the Beast's Castle?
Hm. I guess it makes sense Xaldin started acting. This is like a month or so before KH2, and the Beast's Castle can be the first world you stop by, so. Makes sense. I like how it's connected D:
Ice cream alone again, huh, Roxas?

Day 323

That sounds depressing.
...though oddly appropriate.

Day 324
It was a mandatory mission so I was hoping for more than just Roxas eating ice cream on his own >:

Day 325

She said it the day before, but still.
X: Roxas, try not to... Just... don't push yourself too hard.
>: with everything that's going on with her, she's still concerned about him. Adorable.

That was AWESOME! o_o collecting org emblems in Neverland. That was so much fun! :D

Day 326

^GFDS GDSF INVISIBLE?! Gimme a break, would ya?! With Axel that thing gave me a hard time, so on my own? Thanks, see ya in 20 levels with post end-game bonuses.

Day 352

"I'm going to wreck everything... What's the right thing to do? Riku would know..."
Omfg, squee ;w;
She has a habit of thinking about him in bed, huh XD
The scene! From the islands!
"I guess... I just felt like it."
Good reason to save a person.
"About Sora and that girl he's always with."
"To Sora, she's someone very special."
"So why would I have... their Memories?"
Don't yell at her, Riku! She's poor! ;-;
"I'm like... a part of him?"
Poor Riku. 
"So... do you hate me for taking your friend away from you?" *bitter tone*
"Nah. I guess... I'm just sad."
;_; She wants to be with Axel and Roxas.
*gasp* she's leaning against him! He's hugging her!
Hard situation she's in. Finding the solution that fits everyone.
"Thank you... Riku."
*tears up from Xion's theme*
At least that's what I think her theme is.
"I have to make the most of the time he's given me"
Since he could've just dragged her back when she was out or something D:
Riku ♥ you can't do everything. You have your limits ;w;
I guess... she'll choose disappearing - in light of KH2. Because if she's around - Roxas is hurt. So that's the solution that'd fit everyone D:

Saix: Can't you just let things run their course?
No, because then he'd lose Xion and Roxas D:

"I want to have ice cream with Xion and Axel again"
I still don't like you but it's nice to see you haven't forgotten Axel.

I kind of don't like how obsessed they make him for Xion :c I understand he's worried but he feels kind of clingy.
...invisible. At least now it's a mandatory fight.
Let's go, bitch.
Ah, Orcus. Ok. And I died once. Healed instantly. Because I have that panel D: cool.
Scene. Xion, halp?
...Axel... stopped... Roxas and... Xion?
Axel ♥
"They would do that?"
Yes. But hey, it got you all eating ice cream on the clock tower again. So... I'm a tiny bit grateful.

Lol brain freeze. Xion  ♥
Xi-Xi Giggle! ♥
"What if we all ran off?"
The best thing you said in the whole entire game, Roxas.
"We don't have any place to run."
And they'd hunt you down, too.
A: Don't worry, we'll never be apart-
X: As long as we remember each other... right? Don't worry, Axel - we got your hokey speech memorized.
;w; tee hee. But... KH2. ._.;
A: Just checking
X: I'll have those moments memorized for a long time. Forever, I hope.
I... don't think so, Xi-Xi. ;_;
Roxas: Me too. Forever.
Same to you, Roxy :c well, you do kind of remember, but... you're supposed to fade into Sora, so.

Namine! ♥
Riku got the dirty job again. ._.
Omfg lol. The mission gauge is empty. XD;

Day 353

Saix. Drop dead kthxbai.
O_O Xion gets sent on a mission with Axel and Xigbar?
Well, he's in on things. D: wonder what he'll do.
Hooded Xion. Been a while since I've seen that. Wonder why Riku sees her as Kairi... and if that was what he saw when he unhooded her.

SIX bosses? And the strongest Heartless ever?! They WANT Roxas dead.
And meanwhile, elsewhere... Xion attacked Xigbar. 
What did Xigbar mean by "a blast from the past"? I knew it! Xion is related to BBS!
"Of all the faces... why do I look at her and see yours?"
.....................................VEN O_O
"Do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?"
Always - since she joined the Org... or before? And why does a Replica based on Sora's Memories look like Ven?!
Well, duh, Ven factor. OHMIGOSH I WANT BBS *flails*
...she looks differently. WHO DO YOU LOOK LIKE,, XI-XI?! WHO?!
"Please, Axel. You have to take care of Roxas."
I wonder if that's why Axel is so intent on saving Roxas in KH2. For her.
And I wonder what're the odds Xigbar let her go. High, me thinks.

"Just me and the Heartless today."
Roxy. That's... depressing.
I find cruel satisfaction in gliding straight into walls and hearing Roxas groan in pain.
...we're supposed to go into the mansion. They could've just put it there as scenery but they didn't. They layed out the entrance in the screen. We're going in there. Oh shi-
"I wonder if Xion and the others are back yet."
Xion isn't coming back, Roxy ;w;

"I'll give him that. Can't toss the blame around when I couldn't stop her either."
Xigbar. You at least have that much in you D:
"And now we're left with the one we can't use"
For what, Saix?
And now Roxas is going to blame Axel for letting Xion go? Jeez. This sucks. Roxas, you're an ass.
"Roxas... Xion is like a mirror that reflects you."
No kidding.
Oh, ouch. Laid it out coldly on him.
"And when I looked in the mirror... it wasn't you I saw."
...Sora? D:
"You won't be you anymore."
He'll lose himself, or turn into Sora? D: what gives.
"I'll always be me! Your best friend - just like Xion!"
About time, Roxy! Though you have a weird way of showing it!

I love this variation of Riku's theme. Sounds a lot more active, less morbid and depressing. Fits him :3
Riku still sees her as Kairi though D:
"Did you find the right answer?"
"Yeah. I did n_n I'm on the verge of losing everything I ever cared about. I can't let that happen."
And she said it all with a smile. What a wonderful girl.

Wait. I just realized. What if Axel... never really saw her face? And that's why he saw something else when she unhooded herself?
I'm confused! ;w;

Back to Rion.
NO! ;w;

Day 354

Demyx and Luxord seem so... irrelevant D:
"The Replica Program"? D: Well, Repliku. And Xion... more?
"The goal was to duplicate the Keyblade wielder's memories, and through them, his powers- thus making them our own."
That's why they needed Namine D:
"Vexen oversaw the project at Castle Oblivion"
I wonder if that's why Vexen was this close to telling Sora the truth D: I know he hated Marluxia but I doubt he'd have went against a plan handed down from Xemnas. 
But this certainly does tie in with Repliku. Lol so both Sora and Riku were cloned, only Sora had his Memories fetched while Riku - the rest of him. At least until Namine stepped in.
"If anything like that happened before, no one at C.O ever reported it."
Lol, Repliku XD of course they didn't report, by the time Repliku formed his own will and agenda, the only ones standing was Marluxia and Zexion - and they both went down soon after.
"All this time I've been speaking to a puppet... intense."
Demyx. You're a brat.

"Count the seats. When have we ever been more than thirteen?"
Xion never counted, because she's not really a Nobody.

" I can't trust him anymore"
Sadly, Roxas, Axel is the only one you ever could've trusted in the Organization.

"It's tough being at the bottom of the food chain... but what's chess without pawns? *hands Roxas something to help him*"
Luxord ♥
I wonder what that device they want me to plant is D:

"They didn't even tell me about Xion. Hmph, the biggest mystery is me - the idiot who keeps doing everything he's told."
Finally some insight and progress.
"Why am I going back to the castle? There's nothing there for me. How can I keep working for them if they're gonna leave me in the dark?"
@w@ intense progress.
"It's not about them, or Xion. It's about me. Whatever "me" is. I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know"
Because you are. Xion knows - she's halfway to being him. Axel knows, he met him. And everyone else knows.
"Any friends... I still belong with?"
Depends if Axel doesn't hate you >:c
...ok I can't be mad at you when you''re crying. I'm sorry.

...Mickey?! OMFG! Xehanort's Heartless. Riku ;-; Blindfolding back to himself.
"Your Majesty."
Pfft, he told you to call him Mickey.
"What they did to Sora back there - the point wasn't just to take his memory apart. They went out of their way to make it hard to put back together."
I wonder, if they would've succeeded in making Sora their thrall... how'd it go? Two Keyblades, three people to wield it. I guess so long as Sora did what they told him and otherwise had the Keyblades alternating between him, Roxas and Xion, it wouldn't have mattered much.
"They want Sora's Memories... which means Namine isn't the only one picking up the pieces."
Truer to say the pieces picked Xion up.
Aaaaaaah, there we go. A whole game without shoving SoKai in my face finally came to this.
"As long as they've got their hands on Sora's most precious memories - the ones of Kairi- I don't think Sora will recover."
I'll take that statement with a grain of salt as I throw up in the bathroom, ok? 
The thing is, Xion has a lot more than just Sora's Memories of Kairi. She has the Keyblade; she dreamt about Sora being at the crossroads before Castle Oblivion - she remembers Castle Oblivion, having met Axel there - when Sora did. She remembered locking the Keyhole in Agrabah. The Memories of Kairi might've been what she was based on - but they're hardly everything she has. And it's because she has all that, that Sora isn't waking up.
For something they wanted to yes put in, SoKai I mean, they really didn't gave me a hard time to disprove it. And much like Saix told Sora in KH2 that Axel kidnapped Kairi to get Roxas back - and the novels showed us that wasn't the case - they're saying things that don't hold water here too.
Let's see how the rest of the game fares and I might forgive them for seemingly putting Riku in this game for the sake of being the one to base SoKai with Namine being busy struggling with Sora's Memories to do them herself.
"I've got that covered, Your Maj- I mean, Mickey."
There we go :D
Riku talks about his fight with Roxas D: and he knows he might not make it through as himself. Asking Mickey to look over them ;_; Riku! You poor wonderful character you!

Day 355
~Unsaid, Unheard~

Don't those people take off their shoes? And wear pajamas? And use blankets?
"Xion and I are both special Nobodies. What if they made me, too?"
D: I guess that's why he left the Organization. To find out.
"But who's Sora? And who am I to him?"
"Axel knows. I'l bet he's been sitting on all kinds of secrets this whole time."
You think?
Roxas. You emo prick.

what the- escape the castle?! O_O how do I go about doing that?!
"We don't accept resignations."
Saix boss fight ._.
Why couldn't he be this easy in KH2? ;-;
"Will your strength never be mine?"
Kingdom Hearts'?...the Roxas ditches the Org scene. I hate Roxas even more now over that "No one would miss me", and feel so much more for Axel.

Day 356
~Place to Belong~

Xion found Namine.
"Namine, you can see my face?"
So not everyone could, and some saw different things.
"I wanted me and Roxas and Axel to be together forever."
But it's not going to happen, Xi-Xi. It... it's not.
"That's because you're Kairi. At least, the Kairi Sora remembers."
From when? That's not any Kairi I've seen in any game. The Kairi I know didn't care about Riku >:c
"If you return those Memories to him, you'll disappear. And since everything about you was built on those Memories... no one will remember you when you're gone. There won't be any "you" to remember."
...I thought that was why no one remembered her :D their Memories are connected to Memories. So when the Memories she got from Sora detangle, the Memories linked to the shape those Memories took as "Xion" would delink and she'll be forgotten.
Yey for being right about theories! ♥
"I can't save you, Xion - even a memory of you."
I wonder if there really aren't Memories of her still left in Riku's Heart, or even Sora's - through Roxas.
"I know. I'm ready. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."
"Roxas belongs with Sora, too."
So... you'd have lost him either way, is what you're saying.
"He can't feel Sora. But he will."
"Namine, will you watch over Roxas once I'm gone?"
Hence KH2. Even if Namine didn't remember.
"You won't be alone. I asked somebody else to look after him, too."
Wait, I forgot D: Riku or Axel? Or both? Grah.
"That blasted puppet-"
I wish you actually died in KH2, Diz.

...Axel and Xion.
"But how do you know that? Everybody thinks they're RIGHT!"
He's the poorest person in this business.
"You keep running! But I'll always be there to bring you back!"
I'm crying here. Axel ;-;
XD; she beat you up ;-;
...O_O he brought her back. Guess that's why it's 358 and not 356 huh?
Xemnas ;-; leave Xion alone! ...OR AT LEAST CARRY HER MORE GENTLY!!!

Day 357

The name fightens me.
Last Day gets new entry.
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