Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Part 9

Oct 06, 2009 19:41

So now that I finished getting almost 100% on the hollow missions, doing a few challenges and solo missions, time to keep on going.

Day 255, here we come. 
I love Wonderland. Though the amount of Sora flashes here is ridiculous.
I love how this is a rerun of what you had to do in KH1. Though I liked bouncing through the different areas of the bizzare room better.
@_@ Sora flash. Enough. Plot me over it, damn you.
...that's a big Shadow o_o
...and one my level 5 Fire Spells took down without much of a problem @_@ I do believe this is the game I used magic in the most in the series thus far.

Weeee, the scene from the start of the game.
"Not like I have Memories from before the Organization"
You... started to. You just don't know it.
This scene hurts more now that I like them so much.  Especially knowing where Axel and Xion have been to earlier.
Poor Roxas already finished his ice cream... and Axel knows what's up o.o
Nice covering, Axel. Lesse how long you can keep it up. At least Roxas isn't worried.
D: Xion's looking into that globe thingie in Castle Oblivion. Whatcha seeing, girl? I wanna knooooow!!! >w<
"Then... I'm not... the person I was before... wasn't me."
Because you have Memories of Sora's but look like a Kairi? D: seeing how you have Memories of Sora's... but that means you can't see yourself. But now you did and saw them from outside - and saw that Sora looks nothing like you.
...damn. That must hurt to find out o_o

Days 256
...oh uh.
O_O Org conferance. Big news, huh?
O_O XION IS GONE?! ...Axel's cover story didn't last long, huh.
I think Demyx is jealous she got away.
...and Xemnas is covering for her D: no one is to go look for Xion without his express permission.
Axel: which means, if the time doesn't come, things can stay as they are...
How much DO you know about what's going on, Axel?!

Ok that does it. From this day on, this game is known as Tetris: Kingdom Hearts version *huffs and puffs after having managed to finally push into the slots all the magic boost boxes she had*, we're investigating why there are less Heartless?
... I guess it makes sense. We need them.

T_T Oogie's mansion. Oh well, at least I can hope we won't actually have Oogie, since much like Maleficent, he's been MIA since KH1 until KH2.
...I can no longer feel my right hand thumb.
I can't feel either arm... but the bastard went down.
First boss to make me feel like I'm playing on proud :3

Jack: A black coat... dark, creepy tentacles...
Sounds like a bad doujinshi o_o;

Roxy is all alone on the clock tower D: poor thing. ]:
"Axel could've at least showed up"
but he did D: I guess he just can't face you right now, Roxy. ]:

I love how the spells aren't really stronger versions of each other - that's determined by their level. Each one has a different effect O: it really extends your playability.

Gameplay hint for everyone who hates the boss on Day 256, that icky pumpkin-tentacle-cuffin thing.
CURA. It's a hit and run battle from hell, you'll be eternally grateful you cast that instead of wasting your Cures and potions - for when you'll really need them. Better get hit and run away and heal while you're running instead of wasting what could save your life when you're down to 1/8 life bar.
Assuming of course you got some of everything like me. I'm already on my third "page" of panels, so I've room for it.

Day 257

...for a moment I thought I was watching Bleach.

Luxord: Sometimes fun and games can make a difference in life
I really love Luxord. You'd think that sort of mundane, common sense would feel out of place in this setting, but it actually fits right in. It's like because he's so "out of character" for a Nobody, that you can relate to him and appreciate him :]
Plus, he doesn't mock Roxas and knows to take it all with a grain of salt.

Demyx: Can't say I blame the girl for wanting to bail on these missions, but... I'm not about to go get myself turned into a Dusk over it.'s somewhat nice to see his survival instincts outweight his laziness.

But seeing how I can't feel my arms - break now.

So I can feel my arms again and I did a few more bonus missions. Lessgo!

No one on the clock tower again. Poor Roxy is worried :[ I think it's cute he keeps at it despite them not coming. Hoping they would.

Day 258

Day 276

You wanna tell me Xion's been missing for this long?!
O_O Roxas on DI. With Memories of Sora and Kairi. What the fuck...
Yey, he said her name. Now we know how to pronounce it.
Xi-Xi! There you are!
...Zexio- RIKU! WTF?!
What the hell is going on? Roxas turned to Xion who turned to Riku... to Sora O-O
Riku held her and caressed her face and was so delicate and omfg ;w;
Riku and Namine D:
She promised him to look after Sora... when he went with Mickey.
"I'm sorry... I'm not sure I've kept that promise very well"
Na-chan ;w;
"They're escaping through Sora's Nobody into a third person-" 
Xion D:
"What was supposed to take months would take years" 
Which explains the lapse of a year. And why once Days was over, it took her all but a week to finish waking Sora up.
"Diz will be furious."
Up his D:<
"Then I risk Sora waking up to find out that nobody remembers him anymore"
So they DID forget him D: that explains the zero references to Roxas's likelihood to him or the Keyblade.
But... Riku didn't forget - not fully at least. I wonder exactly how much he remembers. He did call him Best Friend.
I guess the scene showing Kairi on DI at the Re:CoM credits was before Namine got to work - and so, Kairi still remembered him.
"I can't do that to him"
You're as adorable as ever, Namine. Not the you they wrote you as in KH2 that told Roxas he wasn't meant to exist. D:< damn you Nojima.
"I never imagined Sora's Nobody and the other one would fight so hard to be their own people"
I can... imagine that, actually. You did the same, in case you've forgotten, Na-chan. And you played a somewhat dirtier trick than they did. 
"Unfortunately, the only real solution... is for them both to go away."
Damn. Now I'm depressed.
"Did you know her face was blank at first?"
Makes sense.
"Only now can you see someone. That proves some of Sora's memories are inside her."
She'd have to be more of a Sora though, no? o_O
"Some inside her, some inside Sora... some inside Sora's Nobody"
What a lovely mess x_x
"All I can do is pick up the pieces once what has to be done, is done."
I have to wonder if she'd have reached that conclusion had she not been with Diz, and had a somewhat better grasping of her powers.
"Alright then."
...Roxas is jealous lol. Or not.
Wha- when were RAX at the ocean?! During the time skip?
"I want to be with you two."
Adorable ♥
How did Riku get into the mess?! ;w; DUCKEY BE CONFUSED!!!

So Roxas was there for his mission D: on DI. ...why wasn't THAT playable, damn you?
O_O Roxas saw Kairi.
Now see, if the girl was truly important, we'd have seen him seeing her and not just hearing about it. Jeez.
Unless of course he saw Xion with Riku in which case I'm confused more than ever D;
"Orders, shmorders. Starting tomorrow, let's use our spare time between work and coming here to try and find Xion."
Axel! ;w; ♥♥♥

So... what? Did Xion see Riku's Memories because she was in Castle Oblivion? And if she was somehow made to absorb the Memories of those who were in Castle Oblivion - it ties in both with her absorbing Sora's, as well as Riku's D:
Otherwise I have no idea how Riku's Memories tie in with Sora's D: well of course there are shared Memories, but... not those.

Day 277

Too much brain damage. I'm calling it a night.

All I have to say is that I think it can be concluded that the "name" that built up Xion's name along with the X - was No I. I've supported this theory name since before the game was released and now I support it more than ever - whether or not Xion even ever was her own person before Sora's (and now Riku's?) got a hold of her. It works equally well either way.

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