Apr 19, 2007 22:25
As of tonight I have decided that there should be a rule added to the book about friendship. It goes as follows:
If I introduce you to someone that you either
A) Have never met
B) Have never met but do not like based on hear say or prejudgments
then you should allow them to remain my friend without a second thought.
1. You may have a very limited amount of the following:
A) Visiting rights
B) Brief conversations in passing (if absolutely necessary)
-When having visits or brief conversation you must in some form cite the fact that the "new acquaintance" is my close friend or that you met said "new acquaintance" through me. This is the protocol whether it is just the two of you talking or if there are more people involved.
2. You should definitely not:
A) Become extremely close to them
B) Go places with them if it is just the two of you
C) Invite them to go with us places (as that is the close or primary friend's [me] call)
D) Make out with them or partake in any other sexual or lustful action with them
Note: These rules are not up for debate.