Ah, God has taken 5 of my friends away from me within the past 6 months.
It hurts and it is not fair.
I don't have a date to prom anymore. I had three, then I realized I don't want to go with any of them.
Yes, if you girls MUST know we DID break up. I do not care either, it's called growing up and not being heart broken about every guy that ever crosses my path. Stop calling me to brag about how horrible of a person you are. Does that really honestly make you proud? Then damn, you are a pitiful person and any insult you throw my way I will not take insult to for it is not valid. It is jealousy.
She is beautiful. She gives me kisses.
I got diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder. Sucks.
I am happier than I have been for a while. Yet I am sadder than I have been for a while, only because life is not fair. Why do all these young people have to be pulled out of this damned world? Granted they are lucky to be out, but they didn't have a choice.
I only mean well.
Oh well, I'm staying alive. That is what counts. I am breathing, and I am breathing well.