Still no website. I officially hate the people who bought my old webhost, for a) not getting back to me right away and b) not even telling me they were the owners of my domain when they bought the company. Until then, please bear with me while I maintain a holding pattern here on LJ. That being said...
First of all, my yarn got a 4th place, a 2nd place, and two 1st place ribbons at the Big E's Fiber Nook skein competition. Best part? One of my skeins got Best of Show! :D
And now, seriously, the coolest meme ever:
Create your own! By
ga_woo using
Web Services by Yahoo! duskydawn,
drakonlily, and
esotaria, you guys totally need to try this. I beefed up my interests on LJ so I would get more pics, and I love how it all looks together.