Jan 19, 2017 00:55
•Honesty. With myself about my true desires, what I am or am not capable of, what is enough and what is too much. And when relevant, communicate these things with others at the earliest possible opportunity.
•Discipline. Do the work that needs to be done when it needs to be done. Minimize distractions and procrastination.
•Say no. I will not take on commitments that do not encourage either growth, healing, or a deep personal satisfaction. Stretching myself thin benefits no one.
•Give and receive Love unconditionally. Without expectations. Be there for those closest to me whenever possible and whenever necessary, whether it's convenient or not. Listen. Pay attention. Give thanks and appreciation. And also learn to recognize when others are doing this for me.
•Rest. Learn to be ok with low energy periods. Sleep more. Sleep better. Have more fun. Curl up in a blanket and fuck off for a while. Do this before I'm burned out and exhausted. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally.
•Read. Real books, not the internet! Time to whip my brain back into shape! Knowledge, wisdom, beauty, inspiration, fantasy, alternate perspectives. All of this can be found in books.