3/4 th's through the semester is rough

Apr 01, 2008 18:17

Well here we are at the time during a school semester where things begin to stack up. Due to my procrastinating nature and my monster work schedule over the weekends i basically got no home work done at all. This of course gave me great anxiety going into german this morning knowing there would be a vocab quiz on words I've never took the time to look at. so ya i get in class 30 mins early and open my bag to get my book to run through words once and what do you know. the book isnt there. no that gut feeling that said check your bag befor you leave the house was cut down by my tired self. so ya no book and no time to go get it. so i just whip out the work book and get through what i can taht might help. basically 5 verbs and thats it. so my teacher comes in puts each word on the board one by one. i sit there starring blankly having no clue what the german counter parts of them are. then he gets to word 10 "to thank" bingo bango bongo thats one of the 5 verbs danken. another one of the verbs was in the list too i didnt recongnize it because he put a different definition then i had in mind. either way it was basically a complete failure 10/100 for sure. i spent the rest of the class nervously participating and half way asleep. but thats german for you.

then i go to my next class. western religions in china. we go through the class lecture which basically is the teacher going over the exact same things i posted on the class discussion board last week. cake in cake out. at the end of class he passes out the tests we had taken about 2 weeks ago. 100/100. its not like i didnt miss anything i missed a true of false question worth 1 point but picked it up with the 1 bonus point i earned from the possible 2 points extra credit. ya guess thats why im a religious studies major. and that goes without even mentioning that i bairly even studied for that test or even read anything that partained to it. compare taht to german where i have to try and studay like 3 hours aday 3 or 4 days a week just to get a low b on the test. truth be told the test could of been alot harder but the professor isnt going to do that to all those non majors in this overview class.

baptism coming up this sunday. im really interested to see all whos coming.
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