greensboro week 1 to semester 2

Mar 25, 2008 23:53

Long time since that last post. Seems as I was ready for new things when I posted that last entry, and the same can be said as well for this one. That last semester ended fairly well. I think I got 3 A's and a B, but maybe it was a little different than that. Since then I've started going to less parties, partly due to a short lived split between Dominic and I and the rugby girls, also due to more work. I only have classes on tuesday and thursday now and that works ok other then I seem to be tired dead tired on tuesdays after working the days before. i work friday through monday usualy and sometimes even a coupel hours on tuesdays before i go to school 9.30-3.30. My job is at panera bread doing just about anything, I've had the job basically since that last post was made.

I meeting some really nice people this semester. Part of it is getting to know those that i work with better. Another part is getting to really know a few people in my classes. the last part is getting involved in church. near the end of last semester i stumbled upon an on campus ministry of a church called daystar christian fellowship. after going to the last few weeks of the on campus services I located their new building only about a mile away from the school and started attending there. This chruch is down right amazing. the first time i attended after hearing what the church was about I was like this is perfect for me. I felt as if i had finally found home. so i've been trying to get more involved in church matters ever since. I joined a small group which has helped me get to know several other uncg students in a semipersonal way. I have signed up to basically be a greeter at services and i start doing that this sunday. I also checked that i wanted to be baptized soon and that is scheduled to happen in a couple sundays, but it may get side tracked for another month depending on factors.

Although my small group is great, i still fill disattached from most of them in a certain way. they just seem a different type than me and some of them click better then I do with them. I still wish we could all be on the next level and be like true brothers and sisters the type that are always together and always look out for each other. that's the attitude I try to give everyone I meet. real realness, but I know their school work and other activities are calling them other places most of the time. so one night a week will just have to do for the most part. I wonder how we will end up after the school semester ends, because once summer comes some of us will not be around any more and others will just be to busy. I think its kind of funny that we are "too busy" to really spend time with each other more then one night, but we all say we love small group more then alot of things. well atleast their is sunday morning were most of us will hopefully still see each other and maybe other chruch events.

When it comes to my faith it hasn't shaken. Some of the things from last semester that I learned about different christian theologies has worked on my mind and got me to think in different ways. Mainly making me more open to more and more people becoming everything to everyone I guess, but still being myself to that end. My classes this semester have left be bored for the most part. In the last week I've really become fixated in trying to figure out where I'm suppose to be doing for the next two years and the rest of my life really, but have only recieved half answers. I havn't slept well latly due to my constant milling over of what i should be doing.

My reading of scripture has tapered off due partly to school and partly to work. I seem to not have the motivation or time or energy to do it. Same thing goes for the gym. A couple weeks ago i was doing good with getting in the gym but now due maybe a little bit to sickness i'm too tired to get there mroe then maybe twice a week. I need to get back into both disciplines to get stronger. I need to beat my body into shape to be able to serve. I'm also going to try and get back into the habbit of posting. Hopefully it will help me from going stir crazy in my mind and help me put together some stuff.
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