OK, since this is MY LJ then I'm using it to let stuff out regardless of the consequences right now...so be fore-warned!
To all those "friends" of mine who have been leaving the ever so lovely cell phone messages and emails about the Yankee-Sox game, go to hell!!! I'm sick and tired of this ridiculous bullshit! What have I done to you that would result in this kind of treatment??? I've said NOTHING TO YOU!!! I've left you alone and haven't called any of you like YOU ASKED! I thought we were friends or has your sick obsession with a freakin' game erased every good memory you have of me? I can't believe some of those things I have read and heard aimed at me tonight - I thought you guys were better than this but obviously I was wrong! Well Congradu-fucking-lations you've reduced me to tears!!! You've single-handiedly taken away from me my love of the one sport I considered my own with your references to me being a "fucking Yankee Nazi" and "cock-sucking bitch"!
Well you know what you won - I fucking hate the Yankees!!! Are you happy? Are you satisfied??? I've had it so much with this crap I will publicly denounce the only Major League Team of any sport I have ever liked...and at the same time I will publicly denounce you! You guys are no friends!!! You are self-centered arrogant assholes who are threatened by anyone who has a differing view from you. I bet half of you don't even care about baseball!
Fucking laugh it up tonight and if they win again enjoy your series because you and me are through! I may be willing to take a lot from friends but you guys have finally crossed the line.
So fuck you!
To everyone else (nice Sox fans included: Andrew, T, Effie), I'm sorry about that. I can take friendly teasing and rivalry but the last few nights it has crossed the line with some people, and this sort of stuff has made work almost unbearable. *sigh* I just want it over soon...
To Candice, Nic, and
fewmets, a million hugs for being there for me tonight...I would have been so much worse and you guys helped so much!!! Thanks! And
fewmets you are right...now I have a least a bit more of an inkling of what it is like to be a minority...of how that feels and in that respect perhaps some of this is a good thing.
To Andrew, I'm sorry I wasn't in such a great mood, but now you have a better idea of what I was talking about (sorry I wasn't going to go into detail with you parents there). Thanks for being my nice Sox fan and for you, and for Effie, and for my Poppy I hope the series makes you guys happy.
And sorry, but I still have to love the Yankees...they are my boys, my team, so if you want to be my friend you have to at least respect that that is a part of me...a very small part mind you, but just don't hate me because of it...