Well I'm on the Downeaster "Alexa"
And I'm cruising through Block Island Sound
I have charted a course to the Vineyard
But tonight I am Nantucket bound
We took on diesel back in Montauk yesterday
And left this morning fromhe bell in Gardiner's Bay
Like all the locals here I've had to sell my home
Too proud to leave I worked my fingers to the bone
So I could own my Downeaster "Alexa"
And I go where the ocean is deep
There are giants out there in the canyons
And a good captain can't fall asleep
I've got bills to pay and children who need clothes
I know there's fish out there but where God only knows
They say these waters aren't what they used to be
But I've got people back on land who count on me
So if you see my Downeaster "Alexa"
And if you work with the rod and the reel
Tell my wife I am trolling Atlantis
And I still have my hands on the wheel
Now I drive my Downeaster "Alexa"
More and more miles from shore every year
Since they told me I can't sell no stripers
And there's no luck in swordfishing here
I was a bayman like my father was before
Can't make a living as a bayman anymore
There ain't much future for a man who works the sea
But there ain't no island left for islanders like me...
-Billy Joel, "Downeaster Alexa"
...such a beautiful song and all about the MA/New England area...got to love it!...
In a very funky sort of mood...not really sure why just kinda down...probably because it is a Monday morning and I'm stuck at work...
Many many dreams the last few nights - we're talking about 3 I can remember a night...most have been about things I haven't thought about in awhile and some have been pretty damn depressing. *poke self in head* What is going on in there, damn it!
I think I want to go for a walk this afternoon...maybe I can talk Andrew or T into going on one with me. I love this time of year here - I need to do something to get me out of this funk...*sigh*
Question: For those of you who write fanfics and get it posted and have won awards, can you help me with that? I have my stuff on a couple of sites but could you suggest some other good ones and how I might get them nominated for more awards or more reviews? I just don't know how to get more people to read them...
Ok well I suppose I should go attempt to do some work...
You have Blue Wings! You are artistic and highly creative. Others are amazed by your imaginative ideas, and the way you speak so smoothly. You are very social, but you like talking face-to-face, instead of the phone. You love dancing, writing, acting, drawing, singing, anything that requires artistic style. You have many friends, and are popular because of your unique style. Though your jokes crack up everyone around you, you often daydream about many different things, lost in your own world. Even though, you are optimistic, and remain friendly and loved by others in reality, you always like to visit your fantasy world for some peace from the hectic world.
What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix! brought to you by
Quizilla ...Hmmm I suppose some of that is me but not all of it...not the dancing and singing (at least well) or being popular or telling jokes that crack people up...but then again there were always two choices for each that I was torn between...but some of it is me...
You have White Wings! Pure and innocent, your kindness attracts other people toward you. You can be shy and quite, but when others know you better, they realize you are fun and bubbly. You hate it when other around you are sad, and always see the good in everyone and everything. Chances are you either help in the shelter, or are a tutor in school. You are very kind and friendly, but also quite nave. Dont be fooled by looks. Some things do go bump in the night.
What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix! brought to you by
Quizilla ...Ok so I re-took it with the other answers and this one is sort of me too...don't think I'm that naive...so I suppose I'm some combo of the two...boy am I bored!
You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by
Quizilla ...uh ok...I'll leave the final decision on that one to Andrew...