Christmas Time, a Predictable Time...

Dec 24, 2008 16:43

Oh the joys that surround Christmas... the gingerbread, the hugs, the insane mall crowds, the red, green and white....

And, the religious clash that occurs every year on Christmas eve... and this year has been no different.

Only my mother can find it in her to accuse me of being a Godless creature. Personally, I don't believe that going to church once a year (on the eve of Jesus' birth) makes up for the rest of the Sundays I have not been... God knows I haven't gone... so, what's the point of going today?
After telling me "you have to believe in something... you just have to", and giving rather disaproving looks, she, dad (who isn't even Catholic), and my bro (who is likely the most Godless person I know) went off to St. Paul Catholic for 5pm mass.
I opted for a work out and some yoga. And, shit, the gym was closed! Crap!!
Whatever. Being spiritual doesn't mean you have to go to church, it doesn't even mean you have to believe in God. I am agnostic... I believe miracles happen, but that there isn't a higher power dabbling around with our lives.
I believe in the order of things: nature, the stars, the seasons...
If there was truly a Higher Power, why do we have so much destruction, abuse, death, suffering... no Being or Entity who loves their "creations" would allow that kind of total lack of nuturing.
Driving home from West Palm Beach yesterday, no word of a lie, my parents, bro and I passed by a building with the title of "The Church of Jesus Christ Inc."... umm... Inc.? Yeah, not something I want to be incorporated in. Just saying.

Obviously, this is entirely my opinion... and everyone and anyone is completely entitled to their own about religious matters.

It's wonderful that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, and it brings loved ones together in the holiday spirit... however, my point still stands. I am not going to mass this year because once a year does not make up for the other 364 days. It's either you are in, or you're out... you can't just pretend because it's Christmas.

Let's not end this on a downer...
Happy holidays to all, and a happy new year!! Let's make some life resolutions this year, not just i-am-making-a-resolution-now-and-will-drop-it-after-a-week type rezos.


christmas, religion, clash

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