Apr 29, 2005 22:31
For the first time in my little brother's life, my parents have (finally) decided that he has crossed the line and needed to be grounded for the entire week... starting, coincidentally, today which is a Friday. That didnt jive too well with our juvenile-recruit now did it... He proceeded to leave... and did so successfully. The ball is now in his court, as per usual. That's not the most frustrating part of it all either... I had to blatantly state to my parents that the verbal abuse he keeps firing my way is definitely NOT appreciated. Funny thing too, he usually does the most damage when we are talking to the rents...
i.e. "Nicole, take the dog for a walk please", "Yeah Nicole, walk the dog, you need the exercise gawd"... thanks so much for sticking up for me. Whenever he does that I attempt to say "You can stop talking now", or something in my defense, then mom pipes up with her "Just shut up, shut up Nicole, go away"
Oy. Oy is all I have to offer.
Its crazy that Michael doesn’t understand that all of a sudden there’s rules. All of a sudden he needs to be reprimanded and he cant take it. He is incredible. Infuckingcredible. I actually don’t understand him even though I can basically predict all of his actions and what he gonna say.
And West, if you ever whip out your junk in front of me EVER again, Ill tell my Fajjah about the initial incident that occurred, with my friend as witness. There will be beef and you will suffer.
You know what I find the real kicker is? Mom is considering changing schools, and perhaps even towns if everything goes to shiate with the Catholic board. Great! Just when I’m leaving, yall do what I’ve wanted all along... to move.
I hate being called a lezbo(not because I have anything against them(I watch Ellen all the time), but simply because its completely false and totally disrespectful), or a fag, or gay, or fucking stupid/moron... I just hate it. I think I might actually hate my brother. Ive been saying it for years, but sometimes I have second thoughts that maybe he isnt so bad.... but he truly is an asshole and he deserves what he is getting in school and hopefully someday the real Karma will come back... and he will be a fruit fly in his next life.
You know what else is weird? Amber hasnt called me back, I didnt eat my Chinese food with chopsticks, and I dont want to embelish this entry with colour. I dislike being misty like this... and all I wanted was to go out tonight... didnt happen.... damn it.
(p.s. according to an IQ test, I have an IQ of about 120… apparently that really good because the average person gets 100 and a chimp gets about 40 on a good day…)