Title: Three times Olivia sees the glimmer
Author: Mercy/
mercscillaRating: PG
Word Count: 234
Genre: Angst/Romance if you squint
Summary: She sees and doesn't want to.
Author's Note: Hmm, this came out of nowhere. A very Fringe Moment. Heavy spoilers for Episode 2x15 - Jacksonville.
Disclaimer: I own neither the show nor the characters. I don’t earn any money with this piece. I just do it for fun.
The first time Olive is finally able to see the difference between things from this side and the other, she smiles through tears (a real smile after a very long time) and calls it "Glimmer".
She is a little girl, the tests took their toll on her and any mentioning of forests let the fear erupt like fire but that fear vanishes as she looks at him.
She coos and it is pure child-like fascination as she gently tries to touch the energy radiating around him but only grasps cloth.
"You glimmer, Peter!"
The second time Agent Dunham sees it, she is up in the air, trying to save this world and its people.
She is a tough FBI agent who just met herself from "before" and even though forests hold no power over her right now, it is the fear of failinglosinggivingup that makes her succeed.
Winning this battle for once.
The third time Olivia catches sight of the Glimmer, it is not through tears but she is close to them and she feels a different kind of fear clawing at her soul.
She is a woman now, close to falling in love and after everything she has no problems seeing things from the other side but in this moment she wishes she couldn't.
"Olivia, please, don't tell him."
She is close not to.
She is close to do.
- END -