Primeval | In a few words [Matt/Emily]

Jun 18, 2011 19:01

Title: In a few words
Author: Mercy
Rating: PG - PG-13
Word Count: 12 x 10
Summary: Microfic Meme: Write different categories of fiction (angst, fluff, UST, etc) in ten words.
Author's Note: Matt/Emily. They are the perfect personification of the past and the future falling in love in the now.
Disclaimer: I own neither the show nor the characters. I don’t earn any money with this piece. I just do it for fun.
Tumblr: HERE

The future raptor has Matt but Emily has an EMD.

He will not lose her, not again. Not to Henry.

“Welcome to Arcintia, Captain Anderson.”
“Queen Emily. It's an honour.”

Emily's fascinated by the blue box. Matt not so much.

Time's falling apart and he holds her till the end.

Episode Related (Episode 4.7)
His mission or Emily - for the first time Matt hesitates.

First time
Emily squeezes her eyes shut as Matt starts the bike.

She wakes up to a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

Every week Emily brings him a new brand of tea.

“You look good in my skirt.” She grins, Matt scowls.

Touching him with love, she heals him - body and soul.

They are like past and future - touching here and now.

tv: primeval, pairing: matt/emily

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