I love this city, I really do. I've been happier here than I have anywhere else I've lived, and I can't imagine leaving it for a very long time. But some of the people who live here too can fuck right off. Take Friday night. I was walking to meet some friends, and a random man suddenly stepped in front of me, very much in my personal space. "You got a quid on you?" he said. I really didn't feel that getting my purse out in front of him was the best idea in the world, so I said no. So he hit me. Not hard, not to really hurt, but yeah. It was very contemptuous, a total fuck you - a literal slap in the face. He was off before I could do anything but swear loudly after him, which didn't make me feel better. I haven't been that furious for a very long time. Why would anyone do that?
From there on in, the weekend got better. Saturday night was fantastic. A great Doctor Who ep with the sort of werewolf I wish they'd had in PoA, and a couple of birthday parties, one of which was
the_41st_knight's excellent hat party. I met lots of very cool people wearing some very fine hats, and every time I tried to sensibly go home to get some sleep and prepare for the unusually busy week ahead, someone else said something funny or clever or interesting, and I found myself willingly staying until long after it got light. I think there may be girly nights in Borough and a Firefly marathon drinking game session in my future, and that's just ace.
Sunday was the Calexico/Iron & Wine gig, with guest Salvador Duran. Sam Beam has the most magnificent beard of all time - almost as good as the one that ate Jack Bristow, but real - Calexico were wonderful, and Salvador is in fact the god of rhythm in very splendid boots. I'll post some tracks later this week.
After all that, I got through today on sleep-deprived auto pilot. And I couldn't be happier about it.