Alright we've had 2 applicants, and I am definately adding them to the posting members list.
sexybaby587 her post And
crymsin_kiss her post Both awesome creators. I really don't have much criticism to voice. Maybe one or two, but since I'm going to tell you all, the other members have too also!
The only things I'd change is maybe the size of some of your banners, remember the average Journal textbox width is about 400px. So you should take that into consideration when making friends banners.
Other than that nothing you posted ticked me off. I usally have the criticsm that I cannot read the text, and suggest a 1px border around the letters, but both of yours was completely readable.. So I'll be adding you both within the next 5 minutes or so feel free to start posting ASAP!
App's still being taken!!