Apr 17, 2006 21:01
So it was Friday night and I was all like "whoa.. I am so in a bad mood and want to be alone." It was one of those nights where you're just feeling burnt out and exhausted from previous social activity, so you're just really tired and moody. Unfortunately, I was at the head of tonight's little event, driving friends here and there at the front of our little troupe of vehicles, driving all over town, being general losers, before stopping at my house and watching a movie or two. I was miserable, lol. It was mostly because Amanda and I were at really awkward terms. She'd been distancing herself since she'd been removed from her mother's house. Assuming that was the reason, I offered my support and let it be. When I took her home that night though, after a few days of awkwardness, I brought it up, we broke up, I got no explanation, per norm, and headed home. Once I arrived I had a little party of my own, involving lots of loud music and a few well-placed shots of CC. Thank goodness I've got the friends I have though. God you people provide some really loving support. Fortunately, this wasn't a huge life-altering event, and after a long sleep, I felt quite a bit better. The next evening began with John and Meg. We watched a movie with some other good friends I haven't seen in a while, then played some poker for fun, and just got together like old times. It was really nice, if not just for the company. Then Amanda calls and wants to come out. Lol okay. We went for a long coffee run and socialized. It was about 1:00am, and they wanted to do some urban exploring, or some other excuse to stay out. I suggested that I head home, and left them to their business. Friends I guess :P
I miss working nights.. Hoping to take some nights during the summer. When I went into work this morning, before realizing I didn't actually work, Jason greeted me with his almost trademark "Heeey, pretty girl~" I cracked up and we started talking, getting caught up. I haven't seen him for months, since his shifts usually end at 7:00am, while I come in for 8:00am. An odd set of coincidences drew us together this morning. It gave me some serious nostalgia, the warm, foggy morning sunrise, and talking to him again.. I came to realize that although working nights was a little insanity-inducing, I really enjoyed the three to four months I spent working them. They were really laid-back, and just hanging out with Jay was a lot of fun. So anyway, I came home in a very enlightened morning mood, and stayed up a bit with Nao before drifting back to bed for another couple of hours. Spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, and on RO leveling Div a bit, with an eager Nat and Klarth.
Anyway, a little self-indulgence there for those who care to read :P More getting things off my chest than anything.