(no subject)

Apr 24, 2007 23:03

Не могла не поделиться. Взяла у
souffrante .
Всем читать!!!!!!!
ЖЖот юзер foolingfree:

"Dear LiveJournal user foolingfree,

It has come to the attention of the Abuse Team
your entry located at http://foolingfree.livejournal.com/33175.html is in violation of LiveJournal's Terms of Service (http://www.livejournal.com/legal/tos.bml). As it encourages violence against a particular group of people, we must consider the entry in question to be hate speech.

As such, we require that you delete the entry in question as soon as possible, but no later than Thursday, 26 April at 0:01 AM, Eastern Standard Time, to prevent further action from being taken against your account.

LiveJournal Abuse Team

Написал им в ответ:

Dear Edmund,

I hope this wonderful morning finds you well, you're alive and alert, full of joy, ready to embrace the divine beauty of life and have a girlfriend (which is, I believe, rather uncommon for Abuse Team volunteers).

I've modified the entry in question in accordance with LJ ToS and feel very sorry for this entire situation: for a very brief moment of the day when this evil entry came to life I was overwhelmed by hatred and misery and considered following Cho Seung-Hui's path.
But that's past, and we all should stay positive and look into future with a smile.

However, one question still troubles me.
I mean, what the fuck? I am a goodamn Cyrillic SUP user and you *DARE* to write me in English? Do I have to understand this English babble and trouble myself reading all this shit? Did that bastard Nossik pay Mamut's billions to LJ for *NOTHING*? Did that fuckin' jew hired that damned clown Kaganov just for the sake of spoiling LJ FAQ with stupid jokes?

So, since I didn't understand a word from a letter on your barbaric language and completely unable to read and write in English, I *DEMAND* that you'd show some respect and resent this fuckin' mail to me in Russian, you damned nazi. Respect our glorious culture, respect our language, respect SUP and my constitutional rights as a Russian Citizen.

Best regards,
LJ user foolingfree".


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