(no subject)

Mar 21, 2007 22:00

I decided just now that I would update.

I don't really know what to say.
I took an incomplete in my Seminar. Not through any fault of my own, or anyone else's. (But I suppose if we are getting technical about it, the fault really is my own this time. I just didn't think that I would be completely and utterly unable to get all of my research done in the two weeks alotted for the class. I was under the impression that we'd have until the end of the block, which gave me a few weeks plus the two weekends that we met. Boy was I wrong. Two weeks is insane to finish a class. Don't do it.) I talked it over with Dr. Barndhardt, and he said he saw sufficient justification to give me the incomplete. Or I could have killed myself and reworked the ENTIRE paper that I spent all of Spring 1 trying to finish. I could have done an entirely new lit. review and all the jazz that comes with it in 3 days. But that was asking too much of myself. So...onto the point of this.

I will not be graduating at the end of April. Nor will I be graduating this summer. The internship that I need, and the re-take of this stupid Seminar are not offered until Fall 1. SO. I'll be in school another semester. I'm disappointed and a little upset by this, but there really is nothing else that I can do. I've done what I can, and I just have to give in and let things happen. I wanted to be finished by now. I wanted to take a nice break. BUT....plans change. So I'll be done a bit after my goal date. Who cares? As long as I finish before I'm 30, I guess I have nothing to complain about.

On a completely different tangent, Ashly convinced me to go to the tanning bed with her yesterday. It was nice-ish. Lucky her, she and Matt are on their way to Florida today for a vacation before they head off to Lakenheath next month. Some sun would be nice. The weather here is insane. It was freezing, and the next day, it was 80 and beautiful for two days. Then it snowed the next day. Got warm again, now it's cold. Go figure. I want to be able to wear a light jacket instead of a sweater. and some flip-flops would be nice.

For some reason, I have found that I really enjoy 30 seconds to mars......

I'm aiming to be down in Mississippi sometime this summer. Possibly in June, most likely in July...depending on if and when I can take some time off work. I need a break.
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